iConference Colleagues: You are cordially invited to a reception at the iConference in Fort Worth on Wed. 2/13 from 7pm to 9pm in the Hacienda Room of the Renaissance Hotel. Also, please stop by to see our faculty, PhD students, and Phd Alumni talks: Tues 2/12 8:00am - 5:30pm Workshop -- Sociotechnical Systems Research: Advancing Clear Definitions, Conceptual Boundaries, Shared Understandings, and Promising and Fruitful Research Problem Domains - Rebecca Reynolds (faculty), lead organizer; Ingrid Erickson (faculty) (with others), co-organizer Wed 2/13 10:30am - 12:00pm Alternative Event -- Whither the Child? The iSchool Approach to Research Relating to Children and Adolescents (#CNFAE1) - Denise Agosto (Ph.D. alumna) (with others) Notes -- Interfaces - Chirag Shah (faculty), session chair 1:30pm - 3:00pm Papers -- Question and Answer Effects of User Identity Information On Key Answer Outcomes in Social Q&A - Erik Choi (Ph.D. student), Craig R. Scott (faculty), Chirag Shah (faculty) A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Predicting Success of Questions on Social Question-Answering - Erik Choi (Ph.D. student), Vanessa Kitzie (Ph.D. student), Chirag Shah (faculty) A Dyadic Approach to Information Mediation at Work: Examining Credibility and Value Perceptions - Ji Yeon Yang, Soo Young Rieh (Ph.D. alumna) 3:30pm - 5:00pm Papers -- Digital Librarianship When "Organizing Becomes an Extension of Your Brain": DJs, Music Libraries and Information Practices - Jessica Lingel (Ph.D. student) Alternative Event -- Methods, Practice, Theory: Researching Human Information Behavior in the Context of Migration - Jessica Lingel (Ph.D. student), Ellen Pozzi (Ph.D. alumna) (with others) 5:30pm - 7:00pm Poster Session (also Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:30pm - 7:00pm) Lights, Cameras, Action: Using Video to Create Instructor Presence in an Online Information Studies Course - Sharon Stoerger (director, ITI Program) Information Occupation: Using Information Science to Explore Occupy Wall Street - Oliver L. Haimson, Josh Cartagena (ITI student) A Prototype System for Heterogeneous Data Management and Medical Devices Integration in Trauma Resuscitation - Zhan Zhang, Aleksandra Sarcevic (Ph.D. alumna), Yuan An Reading Practices and Intellectual Freedom Research - Emily J.M. Knox (Ph.D. student) A Participatory Framework for Evaluation Design - Diana S. Kusunoki, Aleksandra Sarcevic (Ph.D. alumna) Practical Approaches and Proposed Strategies for Measuring Selected Aspects of Community-Based Broadband Deployment and Use - Lisandra R. Carmichael, Charles R. McClure (Ph.D. alumnus), Lauren M. Mandel, Marcia Mardis Social Media Expo Posters: Analyzing How Users Utilize 'riff' for Collaborative Searching and Sharing Contents for Social Learning in So.cl - Erik Choi (Ph.D. student), Vanessa Kitzie (Ph.D. student), Chathra Hendahewa (Ph.D. student) 7:00pm - 9:00pm Rutgers SC&I Reception in the Hacienda room (Mezzanine floor) Thurs 2/14 8:30am - 10:00am Notes -- Learning Environments Certain Characteristics of iSchools v. other LIS programs - Robert Wedgeworth (Ph.D. student) Research Development Paper Roundtable 2. Sponsored by Emerald Group Publishing Limited (#CNFRND2) Investigating Patient-Provider Communication via Portal Messages - Xiaomu Zhou (faculty) 3:30pm - 5:00pm Alternative Event -- Igniting Talk on Digital Literacy (#CNFAE12) - Ingrid M Erickson (faculty), session chair Fri 2/15 10:30am - 12:00pm Alternative Event -- Collaboration in Action: Enabling Innovative Scholarship with Social and Crowdsourcing Services (#CNFAE16) - Chirag Shah (faculty), Daqing He, Marie Radford (faculty), Jung Sun Oh, Lynn Connaway (OCLC) Hope to see you soon! Marie L. Radford, Chair, Dept. of Library and Information Science Rutgers University