

Nominate Keynote Presenters for the Library 2.013 Conference 


Last year, we invited you to nominate keynote speakers to lead the global
conversation about the future of libraries during the Library 2.012
Worldwide Virtual Conference. Thanks to your input, we celebrated a dynamic
lineup of keynote presenters <>
including Moreno Barros from Brazil, Kathryn Greenhill from Australia, David
Weinberger from the United States, Laura Malita from Romania, and many other
renowned library and information science leaders from around the world. 


As we gear up for the Library 2.013 Worldwide Virtual Conference
<> , scheduled for October 18-19, 2013, we
invite you to once again nominate your favorite speakers. Who has inspired
you lately? Have you heard a talk that gave you an aha moment? As you think
about who you want to nominate, please keep in mind that keynote presenters
do not have to speak English or travel for this conference. The Library
2.013 conference will be held in multiple languages and time zones entirely
online. To make your nominations, please fill out and submit the online
keynote speaker nomination form
<> . All
nominations must be received by March 31, 2013. Self-nominations will also
be accepted. 


The Library 2.013 Worldwide Virtual Conference is a participatory conference
open to the public. In addition to keynote speakers, the conference thrives
on the research and knowledge shared by the library and information science
community. Everyone is invited to submit a presentation proposal - the
official call for proposals will go out in early April 2013. This year, the
virtual conference will cover eight subject strands, although presentations
do not have to fit into the conference strands to be considered. 


Library 2.013 Conference Strands


STRAND 1: Digital Services, Preservation, and Access

STRAND 2: Emerging Technologies and Trends

STRAND 3: Learning Commons (for school libraries and/or academic libraries)

STRAND 4: Management of Libraries and Information Centers in the 21st

STRAND 5: User Centered Services and Models

STRAND 6: Library and Information Professionals - Evolving Roles and

STRAND 7: Doctoral Student Research

STRAND 8: Library and Information Center "Tours"


To view examples of presentation topics for each subject strand, click here
<> . Pinterest fans are also
encouraged to follow the Library 2.013 Pinterest board
<> . 


For more information about the Library 2.013 Worldwide Virtual Conference,
please email us at [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> . Please
share this announcement with your colleagues and friends. 


The San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science
<>  is a founding partner of the annual
Library 2.0 global conference series. The nationally ranked school offers
two fully online master's degrees, a fully online certificate program, and a
doctoral program: Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS), Master
of Archives and Records Administration (MARA), Post-Master's Certificate in
Library and Information Science, and the San Jose Gateway PhD Program. Learn
more about the school's programs and lifelong learning opportunities at: