

Greetings Southern Region HR -

The Marriott is unfortunately out of rooms for Sunday, May 5 and have a limited amount for the remainder of the week.  We have opened up another block of rooms at the Astor Crowne Plaza, 739 Canal Street.  The hotel is within 2 blocks of the Marriott, so it's within walking distance.

The website will be updated by Monday to include the link to reserve online, but you may call 1-888-696-4806 and use the code NERAOC 2013 to reserve your room.  The rate is $135.00 per night for a single or double room with a charge of $20.00 for an additional person.  For your reference, I have included the link to the hotel's website. This is for viewing purposes only and not to make a reservation.

Again, we apologize for the inconveniences some of you may have experienced trying to reserve at the Marriott.

Have a great weekend!!

Torii Ransome Freeman
Human Resource Management
LSU AgCenter
103 J. Norman Efferson Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
225/578/4640 phone
225/578/2258 main
225/578/8284 fax
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