


We invite you to a special opportunity to meet our newest Geography faculty member, Dr. Robert Washington-Allen, at a LANDSAT LAUNCH PARTY on February 11 (Monday) from noon to 2 pm in Room 405 Burchfiel Geography Building.

Dr. Washington-Allen is an expert on remote sensing, and during the party he'll tell us all the cool things we don't know about Landsat ... as we together watch the launch of the latest satellite!  Fingers crossed for a successful launch!

Dr. Robert Washington-Allen will also be available to tell you about the two courses he is teaching this coming Fall.  Both courses will be of interest to students across campus!

These are:

Geography 415: Remote Sensing.  Includes a lab with hands-on activities.

Geography 309 (Topics in Geography) on Pastoralism in Dry Lands.

From cattle ranching in Nevada to desertification in Africa, a world view of one way of making a living in dry areas of the world, and its history, problems, and potentials.  The course will cover many human-environmental links.

On behalf of Dr. Washington-Allen and the rest of the Geography faculty, see you at the launch!

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