Dear OMK Families,
You are invited to participate in a research study to better understand the process of reunion and reintegration after deployment. The study is being conducted by Dr. Lydia Marek from Virginia Tech. We are looking for service members
and/or the spouse/partner of service members who have experienced deployment.
Please see the attached assent form for more information about this research project. You do not need to sign the assent form to participate in the online version of this survey.
Should you have any questions about this research or its conduct, and research subjects' rights, please contact: Carrera Romanini, 865-974-9724 or
[log in to unmask]; or Brenda Lawson at the UT Office of Research, (865) 974-7697 or
[log in to unmask].
You are welcome to forward this information to others who might be eligible to complete the survey. If you have already participated in this study, please do not take the survey a second
Surveys can be found here:
Service member -
Spouse -
Your participation in this study is greatly appreciated,
Carrera Romanini
University of Tennessee
Operation: Military Kids
4-H Youth Development
Ph: (865) 974-9724
Fax: (865) 974-1628