I can't make this, and have been sounding like a broken record on the topic at ALISE for several years. The fact is we do not have reliable data about placements. In fact we have damn near no data on the topic, which we should have started collecting along about the time the Laura Bush money started pouring in. Until we do have something resembling hard data we are going to be doing a lot of dithering.
If, and I think that is a big if, the BLS has something resembling hard data on professional jobs that require the MLS then we have a start. I am by no means convinced that they do, particularly in the public library arena, but am willing to be convinced. In many, many, PLs there is a really blurry line between MLS required, and some combination of experience, a BA, and maybe an MA in something at least vaguely related to libraryland. AMar Mann needs to be questioned very closely on exactly how BLS parses out their data.
Charley Seavey

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Kathleen DeLong <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

In the face of negative messages about the value of the library degree and the future of the profession, what can we do as library professionals and educators to send a collective message about recruitment into the profession and into libraries? Do we have reliable data about jobs and placements? Do new graduates have the skills to compete successfully in a turbulent and often tight job market?  What can ALA do to support new graduates, as well as other job-hunting professionals, in building their library careers?  Please join us for  focused discussion featuring Amar Mann of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, David Connolly the Classified Advertising Coordinator for ALA, Allyson Evans who is a future graduate, and Louise Spiteri the Director of Dalhousie University School of Information Management on Friday, January 25, 3:30 -5:00 pm at the Grand Hyatt in the Anderson Ampitheater. 





Kathleen De Long, PhD, MPM, MLIS
Associate University Librarian
University of Alberta Libraries

Desert Sailor