Please note that the deadline has been extended to midnight Friday, February 15th *Call for Participation (NASKO 2013) * *Transition Cultures, Transition KO: Evolving Exploration, Critical Reflection, and Practical Work * ISKO C/US invites submissions of abstracts for its Fourth North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO 2013) to be held June 13-14, 2013, in Milwaukee, WI, USA. *Conference Venue*: Continuing Education Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA *Conference Dates:* June 13-14, 2013 *Deadline for Proposals*: *January 31, 2013* “The essence of Transition is in its name. It describes the era of change we are all living in. The Transition idea is about us all being an engaged, active part of that change." --Transition Towns Movement Transition is a grassroots movement that pulls on communities to improve local and global conditions in a sustainable way. Similarly, the KO community contributes to the greater good both locally within our own institutions and globally through interoperable systems, standards, and technologies. In the spirit of transition, the Fourth North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO 2013) conference invites participants to come together to forge and strengthen the connections that will shape the future of knowledge organization. Proposals for research papers, position papers, posters, unconference topics and a doctoral symposium are welcomed. Acceptable languages for conference submissions include English, French or Spanish. Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals. Topics to explore include, but are not limited to, the following: • Theory of KO • History of KO • Legacy and emerging KOSs • Epistemological status of KO • Domain Analysis approach to KO • New challenges in teaching KO • KO research sustainability • The future of KO • Sociocultural studies of KO *Proposal categories:* *Research and Position Papers:* Proposals should include a title and be no more than 1500 words long. Proposals should situate themselves within the extant literature of knowledge organization, and have a clearly articulated theoretical grounding and methodology. Those that report on completed or ongoing work will be given preference. Diverse perspectives and methodologies are welcome. *Posters:* Proposals should include a title and be no more than 650 words long. *Unconference Sessions:* Proposals of topics for sessions driven by attendees. The unconference will include 30-minute breakout sessions with two or three topics per session, depending on attendance. The proponents of the topics selected will be hosting the session and deliver a final lightning talk. *Doctoral Symposium:* This is an opportunity for doctoral students to discuss their research in progress in a 15-minute presentation. Proposals should consist of a 500-word abstract with citations (citations not included in word count) and a one-page CV. Students will also have the opportunity to attend a general advising session to discuss their CVs, service commitments, and how to approach the job market. *Proposal format:* Proposals should include the name(s) of the author(s), their complete mailing and e-mail addresses, and their telephone and fax numbers. Please send proposals in Word or .rtf format to *[log in to unmask] * *Publication: *All accepted papers will be published online. The papers most highly-ranked during the peer-review process will, with permission of the authors, be published, in full, in a future issue of Knowledge Organization. *Important Dates* February 15, 2013: Submission deadline. March 8, 2013: Notification to authors. May 8, 2013: Final copy submission. *Bursaries for students* ISKO C/US will offer a limited number of bursaries for students presenting at the conference. Application guidelines will appear on the ISKO C/US website later this year: *Planning Committee:* Cristina Pattuelli, Pratt Institute, New York Kathryn La Barre, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Richard Smiraglia, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee Hur-Li Lee, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee *Program Committee:* Arsenault Clément, Université de Montréal Clare Beghtol, University of Toronto Melanie Feinberg, University of Texas, Austin Melodie Fox, University of Washington Jonathan Furner, University of California, Los Angeles Lynne Howarth, University of Toronto Michèle Hudon, Université de Montréal Elin Jacob, Indiana University, Bloomington Barbara Kwasnik, Syracuse University Aaron Loehrlein, University of British Columbia Elaine Ménard, McGill University Elizabeth Milonas, Long Island University Hope Olson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Joseph Tennis, University of Washington Nancy Williamson, University of Toronto See website for details: <>