

(Please excuse cross-posting)


*Simmons GSLIS Continuing Education*


Online (asynchronous) Workshops


February 2013


--  Brushing Up on Children's Literature Basics: Art of the Picture Book

--  Business Research 101: Sources and Strategies

--  Emerging Technology Trends and Opportunities for Libraries

--  Enhancing Your School Library with Web 2.0 Tools

--  How to Design Library Projects that Funders Can't Resist

--  Managing Digital Content 

--  Redefining Youth Spaces

--  Teen Lit Boot Camp: Romance

--  Web Design Fundamentals


March 2013


--  Building a School Library Web Site with Google Sites

--  Drug Information Rx: Sources and Strategies

--  Job Seeker's Boot Camp

--  Pinterest & Content Curation

--  Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies




We will be adding additional workshops for spring and summer so please check
our schedule <>  regularly for updates.


For pricing, PDPs, or other information on workshops or to register see  or contact  <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
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Kris Liberman LIS '87
Program Manager, Continuing Education
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Simmons College | 300 The Fenway | Boston, MA 02115
office 617.521.2803 | fax 617.521.3192

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