

Dominican University GSLIS is pleased to welcome Dr. Stacy T. Kowalczyk as
assistant professor! This appointment begins with the spring 2013 semester.
Dr. Kowalczyk's academic areas of interest include the preservation and
curation of and ongoing access to digital research data; infrastructures
for data sharing; digital libraries; and informatics. She holds a BA in
English Literature from Lewis University, an MLIS from Dominican
University, and a PhD in LIS from Indiana University.

Her recent publications include articles in journals such as the *Annual
Review of Information Science and Technology*, *Information Systems Research
*, and *First Monday*, and she is a frequent presenter on digital resources
at conferences such as the American Society for Information Science and
Technology Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, the Indiana
Library Federation Annual Meeting, the Digital Library Federation Spring
Forum and more. She currently serves on the organizing committee for the Joint
Conference on Digital Libraries 2013 <>.

This spring, Dr. Kowalczyk will teach two courses: Digital Media and
Collections, and Digital Libraries. We look forward to having Dr. Kowalczyk
join the Dominican faculty!

Diane Foote
Assistant Dean
Dominican University GSLIS
7900 W. Division St.
River Forest, IL  60305
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