

*You are invited to attend the YALSA Research Forum on Friday, January 25
from 4:00-5:00 PM, at WSCC 604 for our topic: "Information Vaccine: Graphic
Novels as an HIV/AIDS Prevention Tool for Young Adults," presented by School
of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina
faculty, Karen Gavigan, Assistant Professor, and Kendra Albright, Associate

Drs. Gavigan and Albright were selected to present on this topic at the
ALISE Youth Services SIG Program, and their research was also awarded the
2013 ALISE Research Grant.

We will hear the presentation, break out into small groups according to
interest threads, and reconvene to report out and synthesize. This event is
for practitioners in school and public libraries, as well as researchers
and library educators, so please join us!  This session is facilitated by
the YALSA Research Committee.  Hope to see you there!*


Rebecca J. Morris, MLIS, PhD
Assistant Professor
School Library Teacher
Instructional Technology Licensure
Simmons College
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
300 The Fenway, P-212H
Boston, MA 02115

Office Phone: 617-521-2779
Email: [log in to unmask]