

No PhD required.  MS minimum. 



From: Extension Service Personnel Officers in the Southern Region [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Sheri Schwab [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 7:21 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Second set! DED and CED qualifications

And, while I have you on the line, could you also report whether or not your DEDs are required to have a PhD?
And, last but not least, I would appreciate seeing what your "minimum qualifications' are for your CED positions.

Thanks!  No Rush!

Sheri L. Schwab
Associate Director of the NC Cooperative Extension Service
and Director of County Operations
NC State University
Offfice:  919.515.1381
Cell:  919.412.7255
[log in to unmask]

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