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Good morning Master Gardener 2012 presidents.

As our calendar year draws to a close, I have a favor to ask.  I was placed in the position of editor of our quarterly newsletter, TAKING ROOT, because I expressed dedication to helping our state wide organization grow and prosper. We are all tired from a long year of being leaders and from the family demands of the season. But I am going to ask for 10 more minutes of your time to help us network together in our mutual desire to grow our own county groups.

As I am gathering news to send out in our Jan  newsletter, I would love to have your thoughts on what worked best for your group over the past year. I can print one paragraph from all who respond. Please don't think of this as a great effort worthy of board approval and committee effort. Just give the rest of us a quick thought on what you saw as a worthwhile achievement. It may have been a fund raising project, a community education program or anything that brought you satisfaction as your group's leader.

We will be happy to edit your response for proper grammar so don't let the prospect of a big writing project deter your willingness to participate. I hope to receive a reply from you soon as our deadline is Dec. 21.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas season,
Carol Burdett, MG Advocate
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