EBLIP7 – the seventh international conference on evidence-based library and information practice is taking place July 15-18, 2013 in Saskatoon, Canada.


What is evidence-based practice? It is what you do naturally! Librarians often use evidence to inform what they do and how they deliver services and programs. Share with others how you have researched and collected the evidence to inform your decision-making. Submit an abstract!


The call for abstracts for EBLIP7 has been extended to Friday 21 December 2012 to ensure that the EBLIP7 program reflects the international and multi-type nature of evidence-based librarianship. To submit an abstract for either a paper or poster presentation, please go to http://eblip7.library.usask.ca.



Joanne Gard Marshall

Alumni Distinguished Professor

School of Information and Library Science

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

100 Manning Hall

Chapel Hill, NC