
SIGIR 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 28 July-1 August, 2013



SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The Conference and Program Chairs invite all those working in areas related to IR to submit original full papers, short papers, and proposals for tutorials, workshops, and demonstrations of systems. SIGIR 2013 welcomes contributions related to any aspect of IR theory and foundation, techniques, and applications. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: 

- Document Representation and Content Analysis (e.g., text representation, document structure, linguistic analysis, multi-lingual IR, cross-lingual IR, NLP for IR, information extraction, sentiment analysis, clustering, classification, topic models, facets, text streams) 
- Queries and Query Analysis (e.g., query representation, query suggestion, query reformulation, query intent, conversational search, query log analysis, session analysis, question answering)
- Users and Interactive IR (e.g., user models, user studies, user feedback, search interface, summarization, task models, personalized search) 
- Retrieval Models and Ranking (e.g., IR theory, language models, probabilistic retrieval models, feature-based models, learning to rank, combining searches, diversity) 
- Search Engine Architectures and Scalability ( e.g., indexing, compression, distributed IR, P2P IR, mobile devices) 
- Filtering and Recommending (e.g., content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, recommender systems, profiles) 
- Evaluation (e.g., test collections, effectiveness measures, experimental design) 
- Web IR and Social Media Search (e.g., link analysis, click models/behavioural modelling, social tagging, social network analysis, advertising and search, blog search, microblog search, forum search, community-based QA (CQA), adversarial IR, vertical and local search) 
- IR and Structured Data (e.g., XML search, ranking in databases, desktop search, entity search) 
- Multimedia IR (e.g., image search, video search, speech/audio search, music IR) 
- Other Applications (e.g., digital libraries, enterprise search, genomics IR, legal IR, patent search, text reuse)

Important Dates:

- Monday 21 January 2013: Abstracts for full research papers due 
- Monday 28 January 2013: Full research papers due 
- Monday 4 February 2013: Workshop proposals due 
- Monday 18 February 2013: Short papers, demonstration, and tutorial proposals due 
- Monday 11 March 2013: Notification of workshop acceptances 
- Monday 11 March 2013: Doctoral consortium proposals due 
- Monday 15 April 2013: All other acceptance notifications 
- Sunday 28 July 2013: Conference begins in Dublin

Information on how to submit will be available in mid-December, 2012. 

For details, please visit http://www.sigir2013.ie/.

Program Committee Chairs

Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Diane Kelly, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Tetsuya Sakai, Microsoft Research Asia, China

General Conference Chairs

Gareth Jones, Dublin City University, Ireland
Páraic Sheridan, CNGL, Dublin City University, Ireland

We apologize if you receive duplicates of this CFP.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested. 