

We are pleased (and excited!) to announce the completion of our Digital Pioneers project, supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services as part of our WebWise 2010 and 2011 funding.

Digital Pioneers was developed and produced by University of Denver (DU) Library and Information Science students with the guidance of Dr. Denise Anthony and the support of Penrose Library. Digital Pioneers is a project to document early innovations in the use of digitization in libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies in the words of the people who were an integral part of it all. Its purpose is not only to document these peoples’ experiences but also to compile and disseminate learning resources for LIS students and others interested in the evolution of the use and impact of digitization, digital materials and the Internet on cultural heritage institutions. These resources include valuable lessons for those currently in the field and those who will be joining it in the future.

Biographies of each Digital Pioneer and full, edited versions of their interviews (including transcripts) are available on the website. For ease of viewing, the full interviews have been segmented into shorter themes that can be accessed using the links labeled "Interview Breakdown." These themes are:


Beginnings -How the Digital Pioneer became involved with a project or educational opportunity regarding digitization, digital materials, the Internet or other aspect related to the topic.
Challenges - The technological, organizational or other challenges the Digital Pioneer faced.
Hindsight - What the Digital Pioneer would do differently if they could.
Advice - Words of wisdom for people entering the profession.


In addition to the interviews and biographies, you will find Learning Resources associated with each Digital Pioneer.

DU LIS students conducted interviews with 22 innovators asking them about their landmark projects and for their advice to LIS students and professionals. The Digital Pioneers are:


Nancy Allen, Kenning Arlitsch, Howard Besser,

Liz Bishoff, Robin Chandler, Stephen Chapman,

Sayeed Choudhury, Paul Conway, Ricky Erway,

Peter Hirtle, Kaye Howe, Joe Janes,

Anne Kenney, Jim Kroll, Clifford Lynch,

Merrilee Proffitt, Joyce Ray, Oya Rieger,

Thornton Staples, Roy Tennant, Helen Tibbo, and John Wilkin.


We’re very proud of our students and the project. If you use Digital Pioneers for any courses or workshops, please let us know.


Mary Stansbury, PhD

Associate Professor and Chair

Dept. of School and Counseling Psychology,

Research Methods, and Information Science

Morgridge College of Education

University of Denver

Office: 303-871-3217