As far as I know, Florida Extension has not formally made any such arrangements.
Mary Anne Morgan, SPHR
Director, IFAS Human Resources
2038 McCarty Hall
PO Box 110281
Gainesville, FL 32611
352-392-4777 phone
352-392-3226 fax
From: Extension Service Personnel Officers in the Southern Region [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Sheri Schwab
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 9:06 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Flexible schedules for Agents?
Hello Colleagues!
I hope this Friday is going smoothly for you all and you are looking forward to your well-deserved weekend. Saturday I have the awesom opportunity to go to Ashe County, NC, to see the White House Christmas Tree be cut from one of our NC
Farms, making this County the proud provider of more White House Christmas Trees than any other county in the Nation! Pretty neat. Our Extension Agents have even made a book on the tree to present to Sasha and Malia!
Now, on to business.....
We are receiving more requests for flexible work arrangements by our agents, in particular our female agents with young children in need of some childcare arrangements. Like you all do, we offer flexible schedules within each day, as we
would with any FLSA-exempt employee.
Have any of you authorized other types of arrangements, such as:
a) dropping to .75 fte as an agent (and the agent works, say, 8-3:30?)
b) Working 3 days in the office and 2 "from home"?
c) Other?
If so, what type of documentation/arrangement did you set up? How it is working? How did you communicate it to your organization, or are you handling on a 1-1 basis?
We want to be family friendly, and with the dispersed geography cannot offer the same types of amenities as on campus (e.g. on-campus childcare at reduced price). Any great ideas/solutions out there?
Sheri L. Schwab
Associate Director of the NC Cooperative Extension Service
and Director of County Operations
NC State University
Empowering People. Providing Solutions.
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