

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Rutgers researcher Paul Kantor nearly $1.0 million as part of an initiative to extract useful information from so-called "big data"– massive collections of data from sources such as scientific documents, orbiting instruments, digital images, social media streams, and business transactions. The Rutgers grant is part of a $3 million research effort, in collaboration with Cornell and Princeton to improve the accuracy and relevance of complex scientific literature searches. Paul Kantor is a professor in the Department of Library and Information Sciences in the School of Communication and Information, where he heads the LAIR Laboratory. Read more here.

Alyse Mattioli
Public Relations Specialist
School of Communication and Information 
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
4 Huntington Street, New Brunswick, NJ  08901
Phone:  732-932-7500 x8404