The University of Tennessee School of Information Sciences is looking for two outstanding candidates to join us in two tenure-leading faculty positions. SIS director Ed Cortez, search committee chair Suzie Allard and several other SIS faculty members will be attending the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Baltimore on October 26 (afternoon) - 30.  

If you would like to set up a time to meet with us to learn more about these positions and about our School, please contact Suzie Allard and Vandana Singh (co-chairs) [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask].  We look forward to meeting you!

The  full announcements for the faculty positions are posted at

Here is a brief overview:
Faculty Position #1 (Archives) is looking for an assistant professor with research/teaching foci in  archival studies or digital curation and one or more of scientific and technical information; special libraries; and/or competitive/business intelligence/knowledge management

Faculty Position #2 (IT)  is looking for an assistant professor with research/teaching foci in  Information Technology, IT Networking, Data Repositories, STEM informatics, bio informatics, and/or health/science informatics.


Suzie Allard, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Associate Director

School of Information Sciences

College of Communication & Information

The University of Tennessee

453 Communication Building

Knoxville,  TN  37996-0341 USA 

phone: 865.974.1369

fax: 865.974.4967

email: [log in to unmask]


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