

The University of British Columbia's School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, the iSchool@UBC, will be represented by several faculty, staff and students at the American Society for Information Science & Technology Conference (ASIS&T 2012) in Baltimore, which starts this weekend.

Assistant Professor Eric Meyers is part of a panel discussion on Tuesday, October 30 at 8:30.m. Understanding Informaiton and Knowledge sharing in Online Communities: Emerging Research Approaches, with Hsin-liang Chen, Anatoliy Gruzd andZiaozhong Liu. . He is also presenting a Lightning Talk tomorrow (Saturday October 27) the SIG-USE symposium, entitled "Using Machinima to Study Information Exchange in Children's Virtual Worlds."

Assistant Professor Luanne Freund and UBC MLIS students Mary Jinglewski and Kristof Kessler are participating in the Monday evening poster session. Join them for a discussion of their poster, Introducing FRED: Faceted Retrieval of E-government Documents.

Also attending ASIS&T 2012 as delegates are Professor Edie Rasmussen, Assistant Professor Aaron Loehrlein, and student services coordinator Michelle Mallette, who will be staffing the School's information table.

We're also hosting an informal pub night for alumni and other friends of the School. This is a good opportunity to meet with the above faculty students and find out more about the research interests and activities of the School, while enjoying a beverage and appetizers. We'll be at the Alewife Pub, 21 North Eutaw Street (4 blocks north of the conference hotel), from 5-7 p.m. on Sunday October 28.

Best regards,

Michelle Mallette MLIS
Student Services Coordinator | School of Library, Archival & Information Studies
The iSchool at The University of British Columbia | Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
470 - 1961 East Mall, Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z1
e: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>  | t: 604.822.2461 (direct) | skype: mmallette.ubc<>  |<> | @ubcischool<>
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