

Faculty, students, and staff from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois will participate in this week's ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Baltimore. Highlights include a preconference anniversary event featuring Professor Emeritus Boyd Rayward as the keynote speaker. GSLIS also will host an alumni reception<> at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 29, at the Pier 5 Hotel Harbor Club to provide an opportunity to network with GSLIS faculty, students, and alumni and learn more about faculty position openings, research, and academic programs.


The Information Society and the Future of the History of Information Science
75th Anniversary Keynote Address<>
W. Boyd Rayward

"Speaking Volumes": Cuadra, Williams, Cronin and the Evolution of the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology<>
Linda C. Smith

23rd Annual SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop<>
Joseph Tennis and Kathryn La Barre, co-chairs

Complications in climate data variable naming
Nicholas Weber, Andrea Thomer, and Gary Strand
Description Is a Drag: Issues in Vocabulary Control
K.R. Roberto
Internal cohesion and external separation
Dave Dubin
Special interest groups 1959 - 1980: Uneasy détente or collegial cold war?
Kathryn La Barre

The 8th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium (SIG SI)<>

A Familiar Face? A Critical Analysis of Microsoft's "Ms. Dewey"
Miriam Sweeney


Unreliable and Uncertain Annotators: Evaluating Rater Quality and Rating Difficulty in Online Annotation Activities<>
Peter Organisciak, Miles Efron, Katrina Fenlon and Megan Senseney

Value and Context in Data Use: Domain Analysis Revisited<>
Nicholas Weber, Karen Baker, Andrea Thomer, Tiffany Chao and Carole Palmer

Identifying Content and Levels of Representation in Scientific Data<>
Karen Wickett, Simone Sacchi, David Dubin and Allen Renear

Tooling the Aggregator's Workbench: Metadata Visualization through Statistical Text Analysis<>
Katrina Fenlon, Miles Efron and Peter Organisciak

Emerging Trends in Metadata Research<>
Heather Lea Moulaison, Susan Rathbun-Grubb, June Abbas, Jane Greenberg, Kathryn La Barre, Eva Méndez Rodríguez, Erik Mitchell and Alenka ©auperl

Library and Information Science in the Big Data Era: Funding, Projects, and Future<>
Vincent Lariviere, Richard Marciano, Michael Khoo and Stephen Downie

The Other as a Research Agenda for Information Science<>
Kathryn La Barre, Michael Buckland, Lai Ma and Charles van den Heuvel


ASIS&T Online Education Initiatives: Driving the Future<>
Diane Rasmussen, Linda C. Smith, Jacob A. Ratliff and Julia Khanova


Using Bootstrapping to Identify Protein Locations<>
Catherine Blake and Wu Zheng

Towards a Data Literate Citizenry<>
Michael Twidale, Jon Gant and Catherine Blake

Enhancing Cultural Heritage Collections by Supporting and Analyzing Participation in Flickr<>
Jacob Jett, Megan Senseney and Carole Palmer

Completeness, Coverage & Equivalence in Scientific Data Records<>
Andrea Thomer, Karen Baker, Simone Sacchi and David Dubin

Combined Methods, Thick Descriptions: Languages of Collaboration on Github<>
Nicholas Weber

The Data-at-Risk Initiative:  Analyzing the Current State of Endangered Scientific Data<>
Angela P. Murillo, Cheryl Thompson, Nico Carver, W. Davenport Robertson, Jane Greenberg and William Anderson

Cindy Ashwill
Assistant Dean for Communications
Managing Editor, Library Trends and GSLIS Occasional Papers
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
325 Urban Outfitters Building (UOB), 507 E. Green Street
Mailing Address: 501 E. Daniel Street, MC-493
Champaign, IL 61820-6211
Telephone: (217) 244-4643
Fax: (217) 244-3302<>