

jESSE Colleagues:


The University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies welcomes Dr. Ina Fourie to our campus as the next speaker in the UA SLIS Research Colloquia Series on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 in Gorgas Library room 503 from 12 noon to 1:00 pm CDT. Please also note that this research presentation WILL be available at a distance (see below).


Dr. Fourie is a professor in the Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria. She will giving a public research presentation during her visit:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 – 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm CDT - RESEARCH PRESENTATION in Gorgas Library room 503 (brown bag)
Understanding Information Behaviour in Palliative Care: Arguing for Exploring Diverse and Multiple Overlapping Contexts
Introduction: Palliative care is associated with life-threatening diseases and especially the last phase between life and death – end-of-life. Although noted, the emotion, trauma, despair and physical deterioration of this phase are not fully acknowledged in information behaviour and healthcare literature. Patients’ and families’ unmet information needs and frustrations remain of concern.
Method: To deepen understanding of the complexity of information behaviour in palliative care and identification of information needs not recognised and/or not expressed, the paper advocates exploring (identifying and labelling) diverse and multiple contexts in palliative care that have been noted from the literature reporting on information behaviour in palliative care, as well as palliative care per se. Arguments will be illustrated using contexts of pain as example.
Analysis: An exploratory information behaviour model depicting diverse contexts in palliative care is used to direct brief discussions of the contexts of informing, awareness, location of disease and disease trajectory, pain, support and social networks, and location of care, as examples of such contexts. The paper focuses on patients. Context of pain will be used to illustrate arguments.
Conclusion: Considering diverse, multiple, overlapping contexts in relation to palliative care and information behaviour might contribute to identifying dormant and unexpressed information needs, and deepening understanding of the complexity and diversity of information behaviour. A wider spectrum of contexts might be noted through further in-depth content analysis of the literature on palliative care and related issues to direct further research. The presentation reports on work in progress.

BB Collaborate session for participating in this Colloquium from a distance:

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Additional speakers in the SLIS Research Colloquia Series this fall:

·         Monday, November 5, Noon – 1:00 pm in Gorgas Library Room 503

o   Dr. Shelagh Genuis, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Health Promotion Studies, School of Public Health, University of Alberta
When the Evidence Changes: Interacting with Uncertain Health Information
Link to more information

·         Wednesday, November 14, Noon – 1:00 pm in Gorgas Library Room 503 (link to more info)

o   Dr. Michael Ollson, Senior Lecturer in the Communication Studies Group at the University of Technology, Sydney
‘Knowledge is Power’ – More than a Bumper Sticker: Foucault, Power/Knowledge and Critical Discourse Analysis in Information Research
Link to more information



Steven L. MacCall, PhD

Associate Professor

School of Library and Information Studies

College of Communication and Information Sciences

The University of Alabama

Box 870252

Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0252