This is a call for the Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Visiting Lecturer for 2013. This position honors the memory of Jean Tague-Sutcliffe, a long-serving Dean of the former Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now part of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies), acknowledging her far-reaching contributions to LIS scholarship and the mentoring of the many doctoral students who studied under her guidance. The full terms of reference for the position are attached. Visiting Lecturers may be from anywhere in the world and will have recognized expertise in any area of research within the purview of Library and Information Science. Responsibilities consist of offering at least one lecture in the academic year for which the position is offered. Lectureships may be configured in a variety of different ways to suit the successful candidate, for example, a short-term stay with a single lecture or a longer-term stay with the possibility of teaching a course as a Limited Duties faculty member, dependent on applicant preferences, FIMS teaching needs and Program Committee approval, and subject to the provisions of the faculty Collective Agreement. Support provided through the Faculty of Information and Media Studies will be used to cover all expenses associated with each lecture including, but not limited to, organization, speakers and presentation costs, venues, promotion and hospitality. (Maximum of $2500.00). For those wishing to visit between May and August it may also be possible to subsidize the cost of accommodation in a university residence. Candidates will submit a proposal and all proposals will be reviewed jointly by the MLIS and LIS Doctoral program committees. All proposals should be submitted by December 1st. Proposals should be submitted to Dr. Grant Campbell, LIS Program Coordinator ([log in to unmask]), and Dr. Nick Dyer-Witheford, Associate Dean of FIMS ([log in to unmask]). Best regards, Pam McKenzie -- Pam McKenzie Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Media Studies and Women's Studies and Feminist Research Associate Dean, Faculty of Information and Media Studies North Campus Building Room 240h The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B7 (519) 661-2111 ext. 88472 (519) 661-3506 (fax)