

Geography students:

Please see the opportunity below to participate in a dialogue organized by the Progressive Student Alliance.

Best wishes,

Derek Alderman


You are invited to...

Speak Out!

An open dialogue about racism in our community

Tuesday, October 30th
6:00 pm
UC Crest Room

This event is a follow-up to the Progressive Student Alliance’s Wise Up! To White Privilege campaign, a series of 5 events this semester dedicated to raising awareness about institutional racism in our community. As we strategize steps forward, we want to know from our community:

Does UT’s diversity planning do enough to make our campus inclusive?

Do you experience and/or witness racism in our community?

Do you see ways we can make our university a more equitable place?

Share your concerns, thoughts, experiences, and ideas!
Help us a build a student community dedicated to ensuring equity, diversity, and inclusiveness on our campus.

This event is sponsored by the Progressive Student Alliance (PSA).
PSA meets each Wednesday at 7:00 pm in UC 226.

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