During the 2011-2012 academic year, I was on sabbatical at MIT as a visiting professor in Comparative Media Studies. During this time, I worked with two different game labs, and this experience changed me in many ways.
I have rebranded my LIbrary Game Lab as Because Play Matters, which is a game lab focused on creating transformative games, play and meaningful gamification for informal learning environments.
While I was gone, my free Gaming in Libraries course on YouTube was accidentally deleted. I've re-uploaded all of the content, as I know a number of LIS faculty were using components of this course to bring me in as a virtual guest speaker to talk about gaming
in libraries.
This is a 30-video series that I used to teach a one-month online course about Gaming in Libraries, and has not only lessons from me, but librarians as guests talking about how they use gaming in public, school, and academic libraries.
The course covers all types of games (not just video games) and game experiences appropriate for many different age groups (not just teens).
You can find this free video series at
Scott Nicholson, Associate Professor
@snicholson, G+ scottnicholson