

Share Your Knowledge with a Global Community of Library Advocates


You've been thinking about it for a while, and now is the time to submit
your talk abstract for the Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference
<> . We want to hear about the exciting research you
are doing, success stories, and case studies - your innovative ideas and
insight that will benefit the global LIS community and help shape the future
of libraries. Please set aside 15 minutes to submit an abstract of your
presentation online at

The deadline to submit your proposal is tomorrow, September 15, 2012.
Everyone is welcome to submit a presentation proposal and attend this FREE


If the deadline of September 15 is absolutely out of the question, you might
be in luck. There's a post-deadline submission process, giving you an
additional week to submit your presentation proposal. Post-deadline
submissions must be received by September 22, 2012, and will be considered
only after the full review of those submitted on time. Acceptances will be
contingent on available conference time slots and given in order of
submission date.


The Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference presentations will cover six
subject strands:


*	STRAND 1: Libraries - Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces 
*	STRAND 2: Librarians & Information Professionals - Evolving
Professional Roles in Today's World 
*	STRAND 3: Content & Creation - Organizing and Creating Information 
*	STRAND 4: Changing Delivery Methods 
*	STRAND 5: User Centered Access 
*	STRAND 6: Mobile and Geo-Social Information Environments 


To view examples of presentation topics for each subject strand, click here.


For proposal submission instructions and presentation requirements, click
here. <>  


As a reminder, all sessions will be held in Blackboard Collaborate
(previously Elluminate/Wimba). We will provide training prior to the
conference dates, and all presenters will have a moderator to assist them
during the live event. 


The Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference will be held fully online in
multiple time zones and languages. There are numerous ways to participate in
this global conference including signing up as a presenter, partner,
volunteer, and attendee.  


For more information, please visit:


We look forward to receiving your presentation proposals. Please share this
announcement with colleagues and friends. 


Best regards,


Dr. Sandra Hirsh

Professor and Director

School of Library and Information Science

College of Applied Sciences and Arts

San Jose State University

More Information: <> 


Steve Hargadon

Web 2.0 Labs

Email: [log in to unmask]

Phone: 916-283-7901

More Information:
<> <> 


The San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science is a
founding partner of the Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference. The
nationally ranked school offers two fully online master's degrees, a fully
online certificate program, and a doctoral program: Master of Library and
Information Science (MLIS), Master of Archives and Records Administration
(MARA), Post-Master's Certificate in Library and Information Science, and
the San Jose Gateway PhD Program. Let the learning begin: