

*EBLIP Seeks New Production Editor**


*Evidence Based Library and Information Practice* (EBLIP) is a peer
reviewed, open access journal, which provides a forum for librarians and
other information professionals to discover research that may contribute to
decision making in professional practice. EBLIP is published quarterly by
the University of Alberta Learning Services <>.
EBLIP publishes original research and commentary on the topic of evidence
based library and information practice, as well as reviews of previously
published research (evidence summaries) on a wide number of topics.

EBLIP seeks a new Production Editor, for a three year term commencing
December 2012.

As with all other EBLIP Editorial Positions, the Production Editor is a
voluntary appointment.

The Production Editor role is one of the final steps of the journal
production process. Responsibilities include laying out the PDF and HTML of
all journal content and working with section editors to make the final
publication look professional, attractive and in the house style.

Advanced experience with Microsoft Word, good knowledge of HTML, strong
attention to detail and the ability to meet tight deadlines are essential.
Knowledge of the OJS system would also be beneficial.

The role involves a time commitment of approximately 10 hours per month,
with the bulk of the work occurring on a quarterly basis prior to journal
publication. The production editor should also be available to attend
monthly editorial meetings via Skype.

The new Editor should be in a position to commence working with the
outgoing Production Editor by mid November to ensure an effective handover
of responsibilities and training.

For informal enquiries and more information about the role, please contact
Katrine Mallan, [log in to unmask]

For more information about the journal, please visit the *Evidence Based
Library and Information Practice *web site

To apply, please submit a brief statement of interest and resume including
all relevant experience to Alison Brettle, Editor-in-Chief,
[log in to unmask] by 15 October 2012.