Save enough cash for a really good meal at Chedders by registering for PCOC before Monday, October 1. For $99 as an STC member or  $121 for a not-yet member, you will receive the following:

·        A choice of five workshops from a selection of 14 on topics that are immediately applicable

·        Proceedings

·        Certificate of attendance

·        Eligibility to enter a raffle, with prizes including a fully licensed copy of Adobe's Technical Communication Suite 4 ($1800 value); a year's access to Author-it ($2400 value); cool souvenirs from Knoxville

·        Lots of good food, including heavy hors d'oeuvres on Friday night; breakfast, lunch, and breaks on Saturday

·        A chance to meet a Knoxville VIP, our keynote speaker, Greg Maciolek

·        Opportunities to meet some of the most active and interesting people in the profession


The conference will open Friday afternoon, October 26, at 4:00pm for registration. Friday's program comprises a panel discussion on current work practices and visions for the future of technical communication; participant discussion; and a networking social. Saturday, October 27, opens at 8:00am and features our keynote address, five three-option workshops, closing around 5:30pm with four lightning talks and the raffle. We will invite those interested to adjourn to Market Square for food and beverages of choice. On Sunday, we have scheduled a literary and historical tour of Knoxville. You can sign up for this tour at registration.


The conference will take place at ROTHCHILD CATERING & CONFERENCE CENTER at 8807 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37923. Their phone number is 865-690-0103.


For Adobe, UTK, or conference funding of students, please contact the conference manager at [log in to unmask]