

Greetings Club Geography -

This is a gentle reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday) is the last day I can accept suggestions for a new name for the Department of Geography newsletter.

Many thanks to those of you who have already submitted suggestions.

Please don't forget that suggestions for news stories are due to me no later than Monday, September 24th.

Text from the original emails for naming suggestions and news stories follow in case you need to refresh your memory about the guidelines for each.

Thanks -

Kurt Butefish


Dear Geography Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate Students:

The Department of Geography is in the process of revamping its newsletter and we need your help.  The Newsletter Committee is seeking to (re)name the newsletter.

Right now, our newsletter is simply called "UTK Geography."  That's not bad, but it would great to come up with a title that will grab people's attention, be memorable, and make a connection with the study of Geography and/or the University of Tennessee.  Picking a good title/name for the newsletter is important for marketing purposes as well as crafting an organizational identity.

The Department of Geography is holding a contest to name the department's newsletter.  All entries will be judged by members of the Newsletter Committee and the winning entry will receive a $25 Starbucks gift card (donated to us by anonymous donor).

Entries should be emailed to Kurt Butefish ( [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) by Wednesday Sept. 12.

You will be hearing from Mr. Butefish soon about other ways in which you can contribute to the newsletter.


Derek H. Alderman

Professor & Department Head


Greetings from the Departmental Newsletter Committee -

We are going to change up the format of the next newsletter.  Our goal is to put out a product that is newsier, human interest oriented and targeted toward an alumni audience.   We will not be including  bios as we have done in the past, so you are off the hook for those.  However, we will still need content contributed by undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and alumni.  Following are four areas of priority for the newsletter:

*        Successful and/or Interesting Alumni Profiles

*        Major News Stories Related to the Department (for example Neal Lineback receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award)

*        Students (Grad and Undergrad) in Action

*        Faculty in Action

We request that everyone send to up to three suggestions for short to medium length news stories, targeted to the priorities above, that the individual could contribute to the newsletter.  Bulleted lists are fine as are short abstracts.  We want to get an idea of the content available to us before we ask people to invest time in writing and digging up pictures.  Your suggestions should be sent to Kurt Butefish at [log in to unmask]<> no later than Monday, September 24th.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Madhuri, Carol and Kurt

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