Dear Military Families,


Here is an opportunity for youth to participate in a stop bullying video challenge.  You may visit  for more information about the contest.  Submissions are due by October 14, 2012.


Please contact Suzanne Le Menestrel for additional assistance at (202) 720-2297 or [log in to unmask].


Thank you,



From: Benesh,Carol [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 8:07 AM
To: State 4-H Military Liaisons
Subject: [militaryliaisons] FW: Stop Bullying Video Challenge for Youth Ages 13-18



Message on Bullying and opportunity for youth.



From: Le Menestrel, Suzanne [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 7:54 AM
To: 4-H Research Specialists
Subject: [4hspecialists] Stop Bullying Video Challenge for Youth Ages 13-18


Hello everyone. The Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Interagency Group (I represent USDA on this group) has announced a new stop bullying video challenge for youth. Below is a brief excerpt about the challenge. For more information, please visit:  Submissions are due by October 14, 2012.


Bullying can affect everyone- those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. The Federal Partners for Bullying Prevention is a workgroup comprised of 9 departments, with 34 offices within those 9 departments. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Federal Partners are launching this video challenge to help prevent and end bullying in schools and communities across the nation. 

This challenge invites youth ages 13-18 to create a 30 to 60 second video that will inform and motivate youth to prevent bullying, and that promotes an environment where kindness and respect for others matters. Make your video creative, informative, smart, and entertaining! The focus should be on how youth can be more than a bystander, rather than a video that solely explains why bullying is wrong.




Suzanne Le Menestrel


Suzanne Le Menestrel, Ph.D.

National Program Leader, Youth Development Research

4-H National Headquarters, Division of Youth & 4-H

Institute of Youth, Family & Community, NIFA, USDA

Phone:    (202) 720-2297

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Mailing Address:

1400 Independence Ave. SW, Mailstop 2225, Washington, DC 20250-2225

Shipping Address:

800 9th St. SW, Room 4338, Washington, DC 20024


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Investing in Youth | Securing Our Future


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