ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium

"Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use"


Saturday,October 27, 2012, 1:30 - 6:30pm

Baltimore, MD


Join us for the 12th Annual SIG USE Research Symposium, which will focus on evolving and emerging strategies of research inquiry!  ASIS&T SIG USE encompasses the wide range of research into human information behavior, needs, seeking, and use.


Lightning Talks - We have 24 slots for participants to give brief "lightning talks" of 2-3 minutes on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems. Interested in giving a lightning talk?  Contact us!


Important Dates -

*August 31, 2012 -  Email brief description of lightning talk topic (150 to250 words) to Jeanine Williamson ([log in to unmask]) / ( Full call for participation:

*September 14, 2012 -  Notification of acceptance of lightning talk proposal

*October 15, 2012 - Email slides to be loaded in advance for your lightning talk


2012 ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Information, Interaction, Innovation: 

Celebrating the Past, Constructing the Present and Creating the Future

October 26-30 2012, Baltimore, MD