Dear Military Families,


Please find the following information regarding the OMK Family Camp at Adventure Center.  Please contact Lauren Smith for more information at [log in to unmask] or call me at 859-257-3072.


Have a great weekend!



From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Lauren Smith
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 12:11 PM
Subject: CAMP OPENING! OMK Family Camp Aug 3-5


One of our most popular camps now has more openings!  The Operation Military Kids Family Camp at Life Adventure Center next weekend (Aug 3-5) has 12 spots left for participants!  If you are interested in attending this camp with your family, please contact me today to sign up.  You can email me at[log in to unmask] or call me at 859-257-3072.   



Thank you,


Lauren Smith, M.S.

Military-Extension Adventure Camp Coordinator

Kentucky Operation: Military Kids Family Camp Coordinator

University of Kentucky

115 Huguelet Dr.

Scovell Hall, Room 242

Lexington, KY 40546-0064

(859) 257-3072