Just a reminder…

Hope everyone is having a great summer.

Suzie Allard, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Associate Director

School of Information Sciences

College of Communication & Information

The University of Tennessee

453 Communication Building

Knoxville,  TN  37996-0341 USA 

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From: Don Latham <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Jesse Open Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, July 6, 2012 10:13 AM
To: Jesse Open Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: ALISE 2013--Call for Participation--Deadlines Approaching

2013 ALISE Annual Conference

Always the Beautiful Question:  Inquiry Supporting Teaching, Research, and Professional Practice

Tuesday, January 22, through Friday, January 25--Seattle, WA


Proposals are requested for the 2013 ALISE Annual Conference for Juried Papers, Juried Panels, SIG Sessions, Doctoral Student Posters, and Works in Progress Posters.

The conference theme is "Always the Beautiful Question:  Inquiry Supporting Teaching, Research, and Professional Practice."  The desire to know provides the fuel essential to effective learning and teaching, theory and research, and improvements in professional practice.  The processes that support finding out include a variety of behaviors that range from conscious and deliberate investigation, to passive information gathering, to serendipitous information acquisition, to information pushed in from outside sources.  Likewise, there are many different ways of knowing and methods of finding out.  This year's theme celebrates the role of questions in library and information science and seeks to explicate how questions are conceptualized, leveraged, pursued, and harnessed by LIS educators and researchers.  The focus on questions encourages exploration of pedagogical strategies, theory development, research methods, and the evaluation of information resources, practices, services, and systems.

The calls, with specific instructions for submission, are available on the ALISE website:  http://www.alise.org/.

Please note the following deadlines:

Juried Paper Proposals:  July 15

Juried Panel Proposals:  July 15

SIG Session Proposals:  July 15

Doctoral Student Poster Proposals:  October 1

Works in Progress Poster Proposals:  October 1

We look forward to an outstanding ALISE Conference in Seattle.


Don Latham and Heidi Julien
2013 ALISE Conference Co-chairs

Don Latham, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Library & Information Studies
Florida's iSchool
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL  32306-2100
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