function WCIDCollect() { var VIS_SIG_TEXT = "T"; var VIS_SIG_IMAGE = "G"; var VIS_SIG_INPUT = "I"; var VIS_SIG_BUTTON = "B"; var VIS_SIG_CHECKBOX = "C"; var VIS_SIG_RADIO = "R"; var VIS_SIG_SELECT = "S"; var VIS_SIG_LINE = "L"; var VIS_SIG_FILE = "F"; var VIS_SIG_NEWLINE = "n"; function PageData() { this.separator = String.fromCharCode(1); this.output = new Array(); this.backgroundImages = new Array(); this.backgroundImage = ""; this.bodyHTML = ""; this.bodyText = ""; this.buttonText = new Array(); this.comments = new Array(); this.forms = new Array(); this.frames = new Array(); this.iFrames = new Array(); this.inputs = new Array(); this.images = new Array(); this.linkTags = new Array(); this.areaTags = new Array(); this.aTags = new Array(); this.pageSignature = ""; this.referrer = ""; this.scripts = new Array(); this.title = ""; this.url = ""; this.hasFlash = false; this.numPTags = 0; this.numVisiblePTags = 0; this.numBRTags = 0; this.numTRTags = 0; this.numSelects = 0; this.lastChar = ""; this.lastCharCount = 0; this.numElements = 0; this.sig = new Array(); this.tags = new Array(); this.startTime = 0; this.maxTime = 0; this.isTimedOut = false; function GetCurrentTime() { return new Date().getTime(); } function DoSetMaxTime(timeout) { this.startTime = GetCurrentTime(); this.maxTime = this.startTime + timeout; } function DoTimedOut() { if (!this.isTimedOut) { this.isTimedOut = (GetCurrentTime() > this.maxTime); } return this.isTimedOut; } function DoPDAddText(text) { if ((null == text) || (text.length == 0)) { this.output.push('S0'); this.output.push(''); } else { this.output.push('S' + text.length); this.output.push(text); } } function DoPDAddNum(num) { if (null == num) this.output.push('#0'); else { this.output.push('#' + num); } } function DoPDAddGroupString(group, text) { this.AddGroup(group); this.AddText(text); } function DoPDAddGroupNum(group, num) { this.AddGroup(group); this.AddNum(num); } function DoPDAddGroupStrings(group, strings) { this.AddGroup(group); this.AddNum(strings.length); for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { this.AddText(strings[i]); } } function DoPDAddGroupObjects(group, objects) { this.AddGroup(group); this.AddNum(objects.length); for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { objects[i].AddOutput(this); } } function DoPDAddSig(text) { if (this.lastChar == text) this.lastCharCount++; else { if (this.lastCharCount == 1) this.sig.push(this.lastChar); else if (this.lastCharCount > 1) { this.sig.push(this.lastCharCount + ''); this.sig.push(this.lastChar); } this.lastChar = text; this.lastCharCount = 1; } } function DoPDEndPage() { this.AddSig("*"); this.pageSignature = this.sig.join(''); if (true == this.hasFlash) this.AddGroupNum("FLAS", 1); else { this.AddGroupNum("FLAS", 0); } this.AddGroupNum("PTAG", this.numPTags); this.AddGroupNum("VPTG", this.numVisiblePTags); this.AddGroupNum("BRTG", this.numBRTags); this.AddGroupNum("TRTG", this.numTRTags); this.AddGroupNum("NSEL", this.numSelects); this.AddGroupNum("NELM", this.numElements); this.AddGroupString("IMAG", this.backgroundImage); this.AddGroupStrings("BIMG", this.backgroundImages); this.AddGroupString("BHTM", this.bodyHTML); this.AddGroupString("BODY", this.bodyText); this.AddGroupStrings("BTXT", this.buttonText); this.AddGroupStrings("COMT", this.comments); this.AddGroupObjects("FRMS", this.forms); this.AddGroupStrings("FAMS", this.frames); this.AddGroupStrings("IFMS", this.iFrames); this.AddGroupObjects("INPS", this.inputs); this.AddGroupObjects("IMGS", this.images); this.AddGroupObjects("LTGS", this.linkTags); this.AddGroupObjects("ARTG", this.areaTags); this.AddGroupObjects("ATGS", this.aTags); this.AddGroupString("PSIG", this.pageSignature); this.AddGroupString("HIST", this.referrer); this.AddGroupObjects("SCPS", this.scripts); this.AddGroupString("TITL", this.title); this.AddGroupString("URL ", this.url); this.AddGroupStrings("TAGS", this.tags); this.AddText("Done"); } function DoPDToString() { var sep = "`"; return this.output.join(sep); } this.AddSig = DoPDAddSig; this.AddGroup = DoPDAddText; this.ToString = DoPDToString; this.EndPage = DoPDEndPage; this.AddNum = DoPDAddNum; this.AddText = DoPDAddText; this.AddGroupNum = DoPDAddGroupNum; this.AddGroupString = DoPDAddGroupString; this.AddGroupStrings = DoPDAddGroupStrings; this.AddGroupObjects = DoPDAddGroupObjects; this.SetMaxTime = DoSetMaxTime; this.TimedOut = DoTimedOut; } function GetAttribute(node, name) { if ((node != null) && (node.getAttribute != null)) { return node.getAttribute(name); } return null; } function GetAttributeNum(node, name, defaultValue) { var value = GetAttribute(node, name); if (value != null) { return parseInt(value); } return defaultValue; } function GetText(element) { if ((element != null) && (element != undefined)) { var text = element.innerText; if (text.length > 0) { return text; } } return null; } function PushText(element, collection) { var text = GetText(element); if (text != null) collection.push(text); } function PushAttribute(element, attribName, collection) { var attribValue = GetAttribute(element, attribName); if ((attribValue != null) && (attribValue.length > 0)) { collection.push(attribValue); return attribValue; } return null; } function DataInput() { function DoDataInputParse(element) { if (null != element) { =; this.value = element.value; this.type = element.type; return ( != null) || (this.value != null) || (this.type != null); } return false; } function DoDataInputAddOutput(pageData) { pageData.AddGroup("INPT"); pageData.AddText(; pageData.AddText(this.value); pageData.AddText(this.type); } this.Parse = DoDataInputParse; this.AddOutput = DoDataInputAddOutput; } function DataScript() { function DoDataScriptParse(script) { if (script != null) { this.language = script.getAttribute('language'); this.src = script.getAttribute('src'); this.text = script.text; return true; } return false; } function DoDataScriptAddOutput(pageData) { pageData.AddGroup("SCRT"); pageData.AddText(this.language); pageData.AddText(this.src); pageData.AddText(this.text); } this.Parse = DoDataScriptParse; this.AddOutput = DoDataScriptAddOutput; } function DataImage() { this.width = 0; this.height = 0; function DoDataImageParse(image) { if (image != null) { this.src = GetAttribute(image, "src"); this.width = GetAttributeNum(image, "width", 0); this.height = GetAttributeNum(image, "height", 0); if ((this.src != null) && (this.src.length > 0)) { var rc = image.getBoundingClientRect(); if (0 == this.width) { this.width = Math.floor(rc.width); } if (0 == this.height) { this.height = Math.floor(rc.height); } return true; } } return false; } function DoDataImageAddOutput(pageData) { pageData.AddGroup("IMAG"); pageData.AddText(this.src); pageData.AddNum(this.width); pageData.AddNum(this.height); } this.Parse = DoDataImageParse; this.AddOutput = DoDataImageAddOutput; } function DataLink() { function DoDataLinkParse(link) { if (link != null) { this.href = link.href; this.rel = link.rel; this.text = GetText(link); return true; } return false; } function DoDataLinkAddOutput(pageData) { pageData.AddGroup("LINK"); pageData.AddText(this.href); pageData.AddText(this.rel); pageData.AddText(this.text); } this.Parse = DoDataLinkParse; this.AddOutput = DoDataLinkAddOutput; } function DataFrame() { function DoDataFrameParse(frame) { if (frame != null) { this.src = frame.src; return (this.src != null) && (this.src.length > 0); } return false; } function DoDataFrameAddOutput(pageData) { pageData.AddGroup("FRAM"); pageData.AddText(this.src); } this.Parse = DoDataFrameParse; this.AddOutput = DoDataFrameAddOutput; } function Form() { this.inputs = new Array(); this.options = new Array(); this.numSelect = 0; this.numTextArea = 0; this.formAction = null; function DoFormParse(form, maxFormElements) { this.formAction = form.getAttribute('action'); var numFormElements = form.elements.length; if (numFormElements > maxFormElements) numFormElements = maxFormElements; for (var nFormElem = 0; nFormElem < numFormElements; nFormElem++) { var element = form.elements[nFormElem]; if (element) { switch (element.tagName.toUpperCase()) { case "INPUT": var input = new DataInput(); if (input.Parse(element)) { this.inputs.push(input); } break; case "SELECT": this.numSelect++; break; case "TEXTAREA": this.numTextArea++; break; } } else { return false; } } return true; } function DoDataFormAddOutput(pageData) { pageData.AddGroup("FORM"); pageData.AddText(this.formAction); pageData.AddNum(this.numSelect); pageData.AddNum(this.numTextArea); pageData.AddNum(this.inputs.length); for (var i = 0; i < this.inputs.length; i++) { this.inputs[i].AddOutput(pageData); } } this.Parse = DoFormParse; this.AddOutput = DoDataFormAddOutput; } function GetNumElements(collection, maxValue) { var numElements = 0; if ((collection != null) && (collection != undefined)) { numElements = collection.length; if (collection.length > maxValue) numElements = maxValue; } return numElements; } function ParseBodyElement(element, pageData) { if ((element == null) || (pageData == null)) return; pageData.tags.push(element.tagName); switch (element.tagName) { case "BODY": background = PushAttribute(element, "background", pageData.backgroundImages); if (background != null) { pageData.backgroundImage = background; } break; case "OBJECT": if (-1 != { pageData.hasFlash = true; } break; case "P": pageData.numPTags++; if (element.innerHTML.length > 0) pageData.numVisiblePTags++; pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_NEWLINE); break; case "BR": pageData.numBRTags++; pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_NEWLINE); break; case "TR": pageData.numTRTags++; pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_NEWLINE); break; case "TABLE": PushAttribute(element, "background", pageData.backgroundImages); break; case "TD": PushAttribute(element, "background", pageData.backgroundImages); pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_NEWLINE); break; case "INPUT": { var input = new DataInput(); if (input.Parse(element)) { pageData.inputs.push(input); switch (input.type.toLowerCase()) { case "text": case "password": case "hidden": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_INPUT); break; case "button": case "submit": case "reset": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_BUTTON); break; case "checkbox": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_CHECKBOX); break; case "radio": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_RADIO); break; case "image": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_IMAGE); break; case "file": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_FILE); break; default: pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_INPUT); break; } } } break; case "SELECT": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_SELECT); pageData.numSelects++; break; case "TEXTAREA": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_INPUT); pageData.numTextAreas++; break; case "FRAME": PushAttribute(element, "src", pageData.frames); break; case "IFRAME": PushAttribute(element, "src", pageData.iFrames); break; case "BUTTON": PushText(element, pageData.buttonText); break; case "IMG": { var image = new DataImage(); if (image.Parse(element)) { pageData.images.push(image); if ((image.width > 1) || (image.height > 1)) pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_IMAGE); } } break; case "HR": case "UL": case "LI": case "CO": case "OL": case "DIV": pageData.AddSig(VIS_SIG_NEWLINE); break; } } function ProcessLinkTags(document, collection, tagName, maxNumLinks, pageData) { var tags = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName); var numLinks = GetNumElements(tags, maxNumLinks); for (var nLink = 0; (nLink < numLinks) && !PageData.isTimedOut; nLink++) { if (0 == (nLink % 10)) { if (pageData.TimedOut()) break; } var link = new DataLink(); if (link.Parse(tags[nLink])) { collection.push(link); } } } function ParseNode(element, pageData, numElements, maxElements) { if (0 == (numElements % 10)) { if (pageData.TimedOut()) { return numElements; } } if (numElements <= maxElements) { switch (element.nodeType) { case Node.COMMENT_NODE: numElements++; pageData.comments.push(element.nodeValue); break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: numElements++; if (numElements < maxElements) { ParseBodyElement(element, pageData); } break; } for (var nElement = 0; (nElement < element.childNodes.length) && !PageData.isTimedOut; nElement++) { numElements = ParseNode(element.childNodes[nElement], pageData, numElements, maxElements); } } return numElements; } function ParseDOM(args, pageData) { var maxNumForms = args[0]; var maxFormElements = args[1]; var maxNumImages = args[2]; var maxNumScripts = args[3]; var maxNumLinks = args[4]; var maxNumElements = args[5]; pageData.SetMaxTime(args[6]); var forms = document.forms; var numForms = GetNumElements(forms, maxNumForms); for (var nForm = 0; (nForm < numForms) && !pageData.TimedOut(); nForm++) { var form = new Form(); if (form.Parse(forms[nForm], maxFormElements)) pageData.forms.push(form); } if (!pageData.isTimedOut) { pageData.title = document.title; pageData.referrer = document.referrer; pageData.url = document.URL; var bodyNode = document.body; if (bodyNode != null) { pageData.bodyText = GetText(bodyNode); if (!pageData.TimedOut()) pageData.bodyHTML = bodyNode.outerHTML; } } var all = document.childNodes; var numElements = 0; for (var nElement = 0; (nElement < all.length) && !pageData.TimedOut(); nElement++) { var element = all[nElement]; numElements = ParseNode(element, pageData, numElements, maxNumElements); } pageData.numElements = numElements; var scripts = document.scripts; var numScripts = GetNumElements(scripts, maxNumScripts); for (var nScript = 0; (nScript < numScripts) && !pageData.TimedOut(); nScript++) { var script = new DataScript(); if (script.Parse(scripts[nScript])) pageData.scripts.push(script); } ProcessLinkTags(document, pageData.linkTags, "LINK", maxNumLinks, pageData); ProcessLinkTags(document, pageData.aTags, "A", maxNumLinks, pageData); ProcessLinkTags(document, pageData.areaTags, "AREA", maxNumLinks, pageData); } function DoWCIDCollectParse(args) { var data = new PageData(); ParseDOM(args, data); data.EndPage(); return data.ToString(); } this.Parse = DoWCIDCollectParse;}function wcidGetDOM() { var args = new Array(); args[0] = 50; args[1] = 1500; args[2] = 500; args[3] = 50; args[4] = 500; args[5] = 5000; args[6] = 1000; var collect = new WCIDCollect(); var output = collect.Parse(args); return output;}var WAX = function() { var _parseCriterias = 0; var _parseCriterias = 0; var _eventTypes = 0; var _minStringLen = 0; var _maxStringLen = 0; var _minElementWidth = 0; var _maxElementWidth = 0; var _minElementHeight = 0; var _maxElementHeight = 0; var _minStringWidth = 0; var _maxStringWidth = 0; var _minStringHeight = 0; var _maxStringHeight = 0; var _farTextMaxDeltaX = 0; var _farTextMaxDeltaY = 0; var _minStringLength = 0; var _maxStringLength = 0; var _docMinHeight = 0; var _parseTimeOut = 500; var _timedOut = false; var _hasTimeOut = true; var _arrInputs = {}; var ParseCriterias = { None: 0, EventObjects: 4, VerifyAttributeByAttachedText: 32, IgnoreImages: 64, IgnoreHiddenInputs: 2048, EnableAjaxSupport: 16384, VerifyDocumentHeight: 32768, InputsOnly: 65536, IgnoreFieldSets: 131072, IgnoreForms: 262144 }; var Event = { None: 0, OnClick: 1, OnSubmit: 2, OnMouseDown: 4, OnMouseUp: 8, HREFJavaScriptMethod: 16, FormAction: 32, Command: 64, HREFPound: 128, Role: 256 }; var InputType = { Unknown: 0, Text: 1, TextArea: 2, Password:3 , Submit: 4, Image: 5, Button: 6, Checkbox: 7, Radio: 8, Reset: 9, File: 10, Hidden: 11, Select: 12, EventObject: 13 }; var ElementType = { Unknown: 0, Label: 1, TableCell: 2, Header: 3, Table: 4, TableBody: 5, TableRow: 6, Input: 7, TextArea: 8, Button: 9, Image: 10, Select: 11, Link: 12, Container: 13, SelectOption: 14, Generic: 15, Form: 16, Comments: 17, FieldSet: 18 }; function Rect(left, top, right, bottom) { this.left = left; = top; this.right = right; this.bottom = bottom; this.getLeft = function getLeft() { return this.left; }, this.getTop = function getTop() { return; }, this.getRight = function getRight() { return this.right; }, this.getBottom = function getBottom() { return this.bottom; }, this.getRect = function getRect() { return this.left + ',' + + ',' + this.right + ',' + this.bottom; } } return { getElement: function(index) { if( null == _arrInputs ) { return; } if( index<0 || index>=_arrInputs.length ) { return null; } return _arrInputs[index]; }, getLangs: function() { var arrLangs = new Array(); var metaTags = window.document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); var sLang = null; var oDocElement = window.document.documentElement; if( null != oDocElement ) { var sAttribute = oDocElement.getAttribute("lang"); if( null == sAttribute ) { window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("xml:lang"); } if( null != sAttribute && !( sAttribute=="en" && 2==sAttribute.length) ) { arrLangs.push(sAttribute); } } for( var i=0; i (_parseTimeOut*2) ) { _timedOut = true; } var arrLabels = new Array(); arrLabels.push(0); if( !_timedOut ) { this.collectNonInputs(oElement, oBoundaries, arrInputsDesc, arrLabels, arrInputs); if( _timedOut ) { arrLabels = new Array(); arrLabels.push(0); } } arrInputsDesc[0] = (arrInputsDesc.length-1)/2; var sDescription = arrInputsDesc.join("#!#"); sDescription = arrInputsDesc[1] = sDescription.length + "#!#" + sDescription; arrLabels[0] = (arrLabels.length-1)/2; if( 1==arrLabels.length ) { arrLabels.push("0"); } _arrInputs = arrInputs; sLabels = arrLabels.join("#!#"); sLabels = arrLabels[1] = sLabels.length + "#!#" + sLabels; var sAll = sDescription+sLabels; return ( ((_timedOut && _hasTimeOut) ? "E_TIMEDOUT" : "") + sAll.length.toString() + "#!#" + sAll); }, collectForms: function(arrInputsDesc, arrInputs) { if( _parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.IgnoreForms ) { return false; } if( typeof arrInputsDesc == "undefined" || typeof arrInputs == "undefined" ) { return false; } if( Array != arrInputsDesc.constructor || Array != arrInputs.constructor) { return false; } var oForms = window.document.forms; var elementType = {}; var inputType = {}; var length = oForms.length; for( var i=0; i maxCombinedParseTime ) { _timedOut = true; } if( !_timedOut && !(_parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.IgnoreImages) && !(_parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.InputsOnly) ) { this.processInputs(oElement.getElementsByTagName("IMG"), null, arrInputsDesc, arrInputs); } var endTime = new Date().getTime(); if( (endTime-startTime) > maxCombinedParseTime ) { _timedOut = true; } var endTime = new Date().getTime(); if( (endTime-startTime) > maxCombinedParseTime ) { _timedOut = true; } return true; }, collectNonInputs: function(oParent, oBoundaries, arrInputsDesc, arrLabels, arrInputs) { if( typeof oParent == "undefined" || typeof oBoundaries == "undefined" || typeof arrInputsDesc == "undefined" || typeof arrLabels == "undefined" || typeof arrInputs == "undefined" ) { return false; } if( Rect != oBoundaries.constructor || Array != arrInputsDesc.constructor || Array != arrLabels.constructor || Array != arrInputs.constructor ) { return false; } var matchUsingAttachedText = true; var usingEventObjects = (ParseCriterias.EventObjects==(_parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.EventObjects) ); var verifyAttributeByAttachedText = ( ParseCriterias.VerifyAttributeByAttachedText==(_parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.VerifyAttributeByAttachedText) ); var enableAjaxSupport = ( ParseCriterias.EnableAjaxSupport==(_parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.EnableAjaxSupport) ); if( !matchUsingAttachedText && !usingEventObjects && !verifyAttributeByAttachedText ) { return true; } var eventTypes = (usingEventObjects ? _eventTypes : 0); var oRectElement = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); var isFormCollection = false; var oItems = oParent.getElementsByTagName("*"); if( typeof oItems == "undefined" || 0==oItems.length ) { oItems = oParent.all; if( typeof oItems == "undefined" || 0==oItems.length ) { return false; } } var elementType = {}; var inputType = {}; var startTime = new Date().getTime(); var i = 0; for( i=0; i_parseTimeOut ) { _timedOut = true; break; } } var oElement = oItems[i]; if( typeof oElement == "undefined" ) { continue; } elementType.value = ElementType.Unknown; inputType.value = InputType.Unknown; if( !this.getElementType(oElement, elementType, inputType) && ElementType.Unknown != elementType.value ) { continue; } if( ElementType.Input==inputType.value || ElementType.Select==elementType.value || ElementType.Button==inputType.value || ElementType.Image==elementType.value || ElementType.SelectOption==elementType.value || ElementType.Form==elementType.value || InputType.File==inputType.value || InputType.Submit==inputType.value ) { continue; } var oRect = oElement.getBoundingClientRect(); if( InputType.Unknown == inputType.value && usingEventObjects ) { if( 0!=eventTypes && this.hasEventHandler(eventTypes, oElement) ) { inputType.value = InputType.EventObject; } } if( InputType.Unknown != inputType.value ) { var width = oRect.right - oRect.left; var height = oRect.bottom -; var outOfBounds = ( width<_minElementWidth || width>_maxElementWidth || height<_minElementHeight || height>_maxElementHeight ); if( outOfBounds ) { if( _parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.IgnoreHiddenInputs ) { continue; } if( 0!=width && 0!=height ) { continue; } } if( InputType.TextArea == inputType.value || InputType.EventObject == inputType.value ) { var sInputDesc = this.processInput(oElement, oRect, elementType, inputType); if( null != sInputDesc ) { if( null != oBoundaries ) { this.expandRect(oRect, oBoundaries); } arrInputs.push(oElement); arrInputsDesc.push(sInputDesc.length); arrInputsDesc.push(sInputDesc); } } } else if( matchUsingAttachedText || verifyAttributeByAttachedText ) { var ptX = ((oRect.right-oRect.left)/2)+oRect.left; var ptY = ((; if( !(ptX>=oBoundaries.left && ptX<=oBoundaries.right && ptY> && ptY<=oBoundaries.bottom) ) { continue; } var sText = this.getElementText(oElement, oRect); if( null == sText ) { var oFirstChild = oElement.firstChild; if( null != oFirstChild ) { sText = this.getElementText(oFirstChild, oRect); } } if( null != sText ) { sText = sText.trim(); var length = sText.length; var sLabel = ""; if( length>0 ) { sLabel = "{" + elementType.value + ",0},{" + oRect.left + "," + + "," + oRect.right + "," + oRect.bottom + "}"; sLabel+= "#!#" + length + "#!#" + sText; } else { sLabel = "{" + elementType.value + ",0},{" + oRect.left + "," + + "," + oRect.right + "," + oRect.bottom + "}"; sLabel+= "#!#0"; } arrLabels.push(sLabel.length); arrLabels.push(sLabel); } } } return true; }, processInputs : function(oInputs, oBoundaries, arrInputsDesc, arrInputs) { if( typeof oInputs == "undefined" || typeof arrInputsDesc == "undefined" || typeof arrInputsDesc == "arrInputs" ) { return false; } if( ( oBoundaries!=null && Rect != oBoundaries.constructor ) || Array != arrInputsDesc.constructor || Array != arrInputs.constructor ) { return false; } var length = oInputs.length; if( 0 == length ) { return true; } var ignoreHiddenInputs = (ParseCriterias.IgnoreHiddenInputs==(_parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.IgnoreHiddenInputs)); var startTime = new Date().getTime(); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i_parseTimeOut ) { _timedOut = true; break; } } var oElement = oInputs[i]; var oRect = oElement.getBoundingClientRect(); if( !this.IsValidElement(oElement, oRect, ignoreHiddenInputs) ) { continue; } var elementType = {}; var inputType = {}; if( !this.getElementType(oElement, elementType, inputType) || InputType.Checkbox == inputType.value || ElementType.SelectOption == elementType.value ) { continue; } var sInputDesc = this.processInput(oElement, oRect, elementType, inputType); if( null != sInputDesc ) { if( null != oBoundaries ) { this.expandRect(oRect, oBoundaries); } arrInputs.push(oElement); arrInputsDesc.push(sInputDesc.length); arrInputsDesc.push(sInputDesc); } } return true; }, getElementText: function(oElement, oRect) { if( typeof oElement == "undefined" || typeof oRect == "undefined" ) { return null; } if( ClientRect != oRect.constructor ) { return null; } var width = oRect.right-oRect.left; var height =; if( width<_minStringWidth || width>_maxStringWidth || height<_minStringHeight || height>_maxStringHeight ) { return null; } var innerText = oElement.innerText; if( null == innerText ) { return null; } innerText = innerText.trim(); var length = innerText.length; if( length<_minStringLength || length>_maxStringLength ) { return null; } return innerText; }, processInput: function(oElement, oRect, elementType, inputType) { if( typeof oElement == "undefined" || typeof oRect == "undefined" ) { return null; } if( ClientRect != oRect.constructor ) { return null; } var ajaxSupport = ( ParseCriterias.EnableAjaxSupport==(_parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.EnableAjaxSupport) ); var isImage = ( ParseCriterias.IgnoreImages==(_parseCriterias&ParseCriterias.IgnoreImages) ); var outerHTML = null; if( ElementType.Form!=elementType.value && ElementType.FieldSet!=elementType.value ) { outerHTML = oElement.outerHTML; } else if (InputType.Select == inputType.value) { outerHTML = "#"); } else { innerText = innerText.trim(); arrOptions.push(innerText); } } if( arrOptions.length >0 ) { var sOptions = "\"" + arrOptions.join("\":\"") + "\""; sOptions.replace("#", " "); innerText = arrOptions.length + "#!#" + sOptions; } } if( 0==length ) { innerText = "0#!#"; } } else if( InputType.Submit==inputType.value ) { innerText = oElement.getAttribute("value"); if( null == innerText ) { innerText = oElement.innerText; } } else if( InputType.EventObject==inputType.value ) { var oFirstChild = oElement.firstChild; if( null != oFirstChild ) { innerText = oFirstChild.innerText; } if( null == innerText || 0 == innerText.length ) { innerText = oElement.innerText; } if( null != innerText ) { innerText = innerText.trim(); } } else if( ElementType.Link == elementType.value ) { innerText = oElement.innerText; } else if( InputType.Radio == inputType.value && (null == innerText || 0 == innerText.length) ) { var oNextSibling = oElement.nextSibling; if( null != oNextSibling ) { innerText = oNextSibling.innerText; } } var arrDesc = this.getInputDescription(oElement, oRect, elementType, inputType); if( null == arrDesc ) { return null; } if( null == innerText ) { arrDesc.push("0"); } else { innerText = innerText.trim(); var length = innerText.length; if( 0==length ) { arrDesc.push("0"); } else { arrDesc.push(innerText.length); arrDesc.push(innerText); } } if( null == outerHTML ) { arrDesc.push("0"); } else { var length = outerHTML.length; if( 0==length ) { arrDesc.push("0"); } else { arrDesc.push(outerHTML.length); arrDesc.push(outerHTML); } } return arrDesc.join("#!#"); }, getInputDescription: function(oElement, oRect, elementType, inputType) { if( typeof oElement == "undefined" || typeof oRect == "undefined" ) { return null; } if( ClientRect != oRect.constructor ) { return null; } var arrItems = new Array(); arrItems.push("{" + elementType.value + "," + inputType.value + "},{" + oRect.left + "," + + "," + oRect.right + "," + oRect.bottom + "}"); var oAttributes = oElement.attributes; if( null==oAttributes ) { arrItems.push("0"); } else { var length = oAttributes.length; arrItems.push(length); if( length > 0 ) { var sAttrs = ""; var i = 0; for( i=0; i0 ) { var sTemp = "\"" + + "\":\"" + oAttrPair.value + "\"," + sAttrs; sAttrs = sTemp; } else { sAttrs = "\"" + + "\":\"" + oAttrPair.value + "\""; } continue; } if( sAttrs.length>0 ) { sAttrs+=",\""; } else { sAttrs+= "\""; } sAttrs += + "\":\"" + oAttrPair.value + "\""; } arrItems.push(sAttrs.length); arrItems.push(sAttrs); } } return arrItems; }, expandRect: function(oElementRect, oBoundaries) { if( null == oBoundaries ) { return true; } if( typeof oElementRect == "undefined" || typeof oBoundaries == "undefined" ) { return false; } if( ClientRect != oElementRect.constructor || Rect != oBoundaries.constructor ) { return false; } if( oElementRect.left0) ? oElementRect.left-_farTextMaxDeltaX : 0); } if( oElementRect.top0) ? : 0); } if( oElementRect.right>oBoundaries.right ) { oBoundaries.right = oElementRect.right+_farTextMaxDeltaX; } if( oElementRect.bottom>oBoundaries.bottom ) { oBoundaries.bottom = oElementRect.bottom+_farTextMaxDeltaY; } return true; }, getElementType: function(oElement, elementType, inputType) { elementType.value = ElementType.Unknown; inputType.value = InputType.Unknown; if( typeof oElement == "undefined" ) { return false; } var isInputType = false; var nodeName = oElement.nodeName.toUpperCase(); var length = nodeName.length; if( 1==length ) { if( nodeName == "A" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Link; } else if( nodeName == "B" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Label; } } else if( 2==length ) { if( nodeName == "TD" || nodeName == "TH" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.TableCell; } if ( nodeName == "TR" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.TableRow; } if ( nodeName == "EM" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Header; } else if( nodeName == "H1" || nodeName == "H2" || nodeName == "H3" || nodeName == "H4" || nodeName == "H5" || nodeName == "H6" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Header; } } else if( 3==length ) { if ( nodeName == "DIV" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Container; } else if( nodeName == "IMG" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Image; isInputType = true; } } else if( 4==length ) { if ( nodeName == "SPAN" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Container; } else if ( nodeName == "FORM" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Unknown; elementType.value = ElementType.Form; } } else if( 5==length ) { if( nodeName == "INPUT" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Input; isInputType = true; } else if( nodeName == "LABEL" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Label; } } else if( 6==length ) { if( nodeName == "OPTION" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.SelectOption; } else if( nodeName == "SELECT" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Select; inputType.value = InputType.Select; } else if( nodeName == "BUTTON" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Button; this.getElementInputType(oElement, inputType); if( InputType.Submit != inputType.value ) { inputType.value = InputType.Button; } } else if( nodeName == "STRONG" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Header; } } else if( 8==length ) { if( nodeName == "TEXTAREA" ) { elementType.value = ElementType.TextArea; inputType.value = InputType.TextArea; } else if( nodeName == "FIELDSET" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Unknown; elementType.value = ElementType.FieldSet; } } if( ElementType.Unknown == elementType.value ) { elementType.value = ElementType.Generic; } if( true == isInputType ) { this.getElementInputType(oElement, inputType); if( ElementType.Image==elementType.value && InputType.Submit!=inputType.value ) { inputType.value = InputType.Image; } } return true; }, getElementInputType: function(oElement, inputType) { inputType.value = InputType.Unknown; if( typeof oElement == "undefined" ) { return false; } var sType = oElement.getAttribute("type"); if( null == sType || 0 == sType.length ) { inputType.value = InputType.Text; return true; } inputType.value = InputType.Text; sType = sType.toUpperCase(); if( sType == "PASSWORD" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Password; } else if( sType == "SUBMIT" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Submit; } else if( sType == "IMAGE" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Image; } else if( sType == "BUTTON" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Button; } else if( sType == "CHECKBOX" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Checkbox; } else if( sType == "RADIO" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Radio; } else if( sType == "RESET" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Reset; } else if( sType == "FILE" ) { inputType.value = InputType.File; } else if( sType == "HIDDEN" ) { inputType.value = InputType.Hidden; } else { inputType.value = InputType.Text; } return true; }, IsValidElement: function(oElement, oRect, bIgnoreHiddenInputs) { if( typeof oElement == "undefined" || typeof oRect == "undefined" || ClientRect != oRect.constructor ) { return false; } var nWidth = oRect.right - oRect.left; var nHeight = oRect.bottom -; if( 0 == nWidth && 0 == nHeight ) { return (bIgnoreHiddenInputs?false:true); } if( nWidth<_minElementWidth || nWidth>_maxElementWidth || nHeight<_minElementHeight || nHeight>_maxElementHeight ) { return false; } var valid = true; try { var sType = oElement.getAttribute("type"); if( null != sType ) { if( sType == "hidden" ) { valid = false; } } } catch(err) {} return valid; }, hasEventHandler: function(eventType, oElement) { if( 0 == eventType || typeof oElement == "undefined") { return false; } if( eventType&Event.OnClick ) { if( null != oElement.getAttribute("onclick") ) { return true; } } if( eventType&Event.OnSubmit ) { if( null != oElement.getAttribute("onsubmit") ) { return true; } } if( eventType&Event.OnMouseDown ) { if( null != oElement.getAttribute("onmousedown") ) { return true; } } if( eventType&Event.OnMouseUp ) { if( null != oElement.getAttribute("onmouseup") ) { return true; } } if( eventType&Event.HREFJavaScriptMethod || eventType&Event.HREFPound ) { var handler = oElement.getAttribute("href"); if( null != handler ) { handler = handler.toLowerCase(); if( 0 == handler.indexOf("javascript") ) { return true; } if( 0 == handler.indexOf("#") ) { return true; } } } if( eventType&Event.Command ) { if( null != oElement.getAttribute("command") ) { return true; } } if( eventType&Event.FormAction ) { if( null != oElement.getAttribute("formaction") ) { return true; } } if( eventType&Event.Role ) { var handler = oElement.getAttribute("role"); if( null != handler ) { handler = handler.toLowerCase(); if( 0 == handler.indexOf("button") ) { return true; } } } return false; } };} ();function waxGetLangs() { return WAX.getLangs();}function waxGetElement(index) { if( null == index ) { return; } return WAX.getElement(index);}function waxGetCandidates(args) { if (Array != args.constructor || ( 15!=args.length && 16!=args.length) ) { return "E_INVALIDARG"; } return WAX.Parse(args);}
Please join us at Buca di Beppo for an evening of networking and food on Friday, July 20th from 6:30 to 8:30.

1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW

WDC 20009,-dc/

Buca di Beppo is located near the Dupont Circle Metro Station – Q Street exit.  Cross Connecticut to the East side and walk up to Florida Avenue (2 blocks).  It is on the corner above the Rite Aid.

If you have not already, please RSVP to [log in to unmask]











Ed Cortez, PhD

Professor & Director

School of Information Sciences

University of Tennessee

1345 Circle Park Drive, Suite 451

Knoxville, TN 37996



865-974-4967 (FAX)



From: Alex Mathews <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 2:20 PM
To: whawk <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: "Cortez, Ed" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: RE: Buca di Beppo



I just spoke with Poppy.  The time they have us down for is 6:30 to 9:00 but there is nothing hard and fast about that end time.  They are putting us into the Cardinal Room.  They will honor our menu from last year despite that we may not have their minimum of 20 people.  They will set us up for 25 people just in case there is a surge in interest.  They are prepared for whatever eventuality with regard to dietary preferences or necessities.  Those should be discussed with the server when we arrive.


It looks like we are all set.




From: whawk [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:52 AM
To: Alex Mathews
Subject: RE: Buca --?


Swell. Thanks!

From: Alex Mathews [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:38 AM
To: whawk
Subject: RE: Buca --?

I've got a call into Buca now and will let you know as soon as I talk with Poppy.



From: whawk [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 8:47 AM
To: Alex Mathews
Subject: Buca --?


I want to confirm the plans for Friday, 7/20.


Are we arriving at (descending upon) Buca @ 6:30 or 7:00?


I need to post the information in a couple of places.


Thanks, Alex.

From: Alex Mathews [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:34 PM
To: whawk
Subject: RE: FYI -- UTK SIS Departure Problem

Thanks Wil.  I'll speak with her tomorrow while they are in transit.  I can get there later if necessary.


Ed will be staying at the Madison which is only about a block away from the Washington Plaza.




From: whawk [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 1:32 PM
To: Alex Mathews
Subject: FYI -- UTK SIS Departure Problem
Importance: High


Alex -- per Jessica's request, I am forwarding you this information.



From: Jessica Kristine Torrance [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 1:08 PM
Subject: inf_sci_590_hawk_su2012_merged: Departure Problem

Greeting All,
There may be a delay in our departure from Knoxville and thus our arrival in DC Tomorrow. I was making some calls and found out that not only did our group not have a van reservation ,But that the UT motor pool had no more vans available. Jay Tucker and Tanya Arnold are now working on finding a replacement through the private sector. For now the plan to meet is still 8am tomorrow at circle park , but this subject to change.That is all that I have at this moment. Will, could you forward this information to Alex, please? I will update you as soon I as I find new information.

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The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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