

So, we're working on a mobile emphasis for our new college and related web sites. One of the big wins for going that way should be provision of location aware pages and functions. Now I have a couple of questions I'd like you to consider at week's end:

1) Is anyone around here using some good ideas we could steal (I mean borrow.) I envision a student 

2) What's the status of web-accessible geo-system information describing the campus? I don't want to recollect GPS data for buildings and/or rooms if it's already done.

3) I saw the Google Earth car on the strip today and have heard that they're in town working on a google campus project of some sort. Could someone elaborate?

4) It would be a real disappointment to have that facility around and not get indoor mappings of public buildings on campus at the same time. I spend a good portion of the first couple of weeks every semester directing people inside the maze that is CUEB/SSB/AHT. (OK, that was more of an editorial comment than a question. If you're a stickler make it part of Q3.)

5) And if anyone is into this, what effects will the divorce of Apple IOS and Google Maps have on mobile web use at UTK?

Thanks for any discussion.
John McNair <[log in to unmask]>
865-974-6556 (w)
865-742-4061 (c)
Director of Technology
College of Communication and Information
University of Tennessee

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