Dear ALISE Gender Issues SIG members and others interested: Greetings! Hope all is well and the spring semester ended on a bright note for you. As the current chair of the Gender Issues SIG, I am sending this message as a call for presentation proposals for a panel that will be sponsored by this SIG for the upcoming ALISE conference in 2013. The proposal requirements are: 150-200 words plus authors contact information; aligned with the ALISE 2013 conference theme "Always the Beautiful Question: Inquiry Supporting Teaching, Research, & Professional Practice"; and of value to this SIG. Send your proposals to Bharat Mehra at [log in to unmask] by June 15 and I will review with Dr. Lesley Farmer to see what rises to the top. We will then submit the compiled panel proposal by the July 1 deadline after feedback from the authors.

I look forward to reading your proposals and hope y'all have a fabulous summer! My best wishes, Bharat

    Bharat Mehra, PhD
    Associate Professor
    School of Information Sciences
    University of Tennessee
    # 454 Communications Building, 

    1345 Circle Park Drive
    Knoxville, TN 37996-0341

    Telephone: (865) 974 5917 (O) 
    E-mail: [log in to unmask]
    Homepage:; (cut and paste the URL in your web browser).
