Registration for ASCLA's webinar "Creating a Latino-Friendly Library" will be available until midnight tonight (Wednesday)! Individuals can register online here through midnight tonight: renceList.cfm&ConferenceTypeCode=X This library is especially excellent for public libraries, but any type of library currently serving Latinos, or looking to bring Latinos of all ages through its doors and create relevant library services and welcoming environments, will find the information presented in this webinar to be relevant and useful! Know someone who might be interested in this webinar? **We encourage you to forward this message to a friend or other lists!** Webinar Details: Creating a Latino-Friendly Library Thursday, May 17, 2012 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Central Time Latino communities continue to grow and we continue to puzzle over how to get this significant segment of our communities into the library. This webinar will introduce practical and simple techniques that libraries of all sizes can use to begin the process of making Latinos feel welcome and comfortable in the library. Participants will learn how to work with and challenge the language and cultural barriers that keep Latinos from using the library. Presented by Yolanda Cuesta. REGISTER ONLINE: renceList.cfm&ConferenceTypeCode=X REGISTRATION RATES: Individual registration: starts at $40 for ASCLA members Group registration: $99 for a single login or $38/person (min. 2 people) for multiple logins GROUP REGISTRATION INFORMATION IS HERE: State Library Agency Members of ASCLA pay the amazing group rates of $69 for a single login or $29/person (min. 2 people) for multiple logins. Learn more about the benefits of ASCLA membership for SLAs here: heet.pdf Questions about registration? Contact [log in to unmask] or (800) 545-2433, option 5. Questions about your ALA or ASCLA membership? Contact [log in to unmask] Liz F. Markel, M.A. Marketing & Programs Manager Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) The American Library Association // 50 E. Huron Street // Chicago, IL 60611 800-545-2433 // p. 312-280-4398 // f. 312-280-5273 // e. [log in to unmask] Find our divisions online at &