The deadline for a call for ASCLA proposals for institutes at the ALA 2012 Midwinter Meeting in Seattle and programs and preconferences at the ALA 2012 Annual Conference in Chicago has been extended to June 1, 2012.

Midwinter Institutes are ticketed full or half-day workshops held the Friday of the Midwinter Meeting. Annual Preconferences are ticketed full or half-day workshops held the Friday of Annual Conference. Programs are part of the ALA Annual Conference, are included with conference registration, and are held Saturday through Monday of the conference.

We encourage members with programming ideas to partner with one of our ASCLA interest groups to sponsor the program.
Review our list of interest groups and learn how to join a group here:

More information about the proposal process--including some important notes about overall scheduling changes to both Midwinter and Annual--is in this post in ASCLA's ALA Connect space:

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Liz Markel
Marketing & Programs Manager, RUSA & ASCLA