

Please ignore this call for papers. Allison and I got ahead of ourselves and
thought this was our year to organize the session. In fact Sarah Park and
Anna Nielsen are co-chairing the Youth Services SIG for 2012-2013 and will
be posting the call. 


We apologize for the confusion!





From: Annette Goldsmith [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:52 PM
To: 'Open Lib/Info Sci Education Forum'
Subject: ALISE Youth Services SIG Call for Papers


The ALISE Youth Services SIG invites proposals for short papers to be
presented at our session at the ALISE Annual Conference in Seattle, WA,
January 22-25, 2013.  Papers should consider the topic, "Addressing
Beautiful Questions Through Engaged Research," as it pertains to LIS youth
services educators. The panel will feature eight short papers of five
minutes each.  Following the paper presentations, the SIG co-chairs, Allison
Kaplan (Wisconsin-Madison) and Annette Goldsmith (Washington), will moderate
a discussion of the ideas presented in the papers and of their educational,
academic, and professional implications.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited, to:

.         Research question: What makes the question beautiful? 

.         Study design: Different ways in which the research can be
described as "engaged" 

.         Location: Local, regional, national, and international
reach/implications/significance of the research

.         Research agenda: context of the research in relation to personal,
collaborative, institutional, YALSA, etc. research agendas

.         Role of youth: As research partners, subjects, implied readers,

All ALISE Youth Services SIG members are eligible to submit proposals.  To
submit a paper proposal for peer review and possible inclusion in the
program, please send a 500-word abstract of your short paper via email to
Annette Goldsmith: [log in to unmask]  Be sure to include your name,
institutional affiliation, position, and contact information.  The deadline
for submitting abstracts is Friday, September 14, 2012.  Acceptance notices
will be sent to all applicants by Friday, October 12, 2012.
N.B.: If your paper is selected, you will need to create a single PowerPoint
slide to accompany your presentation.  Extended abstracts and citation lists
will be collected and distributed to program attendees and posted to the
ALISE Youth Services SIG website.  Program attendance and paper delivery in
person will be required for all accepted papers.