Good morning, All!
I wanted to share this video – it is very good. Keep up the good work Texas A & M.
Hope you are all well and will be in WV next month. Have a great weekend!
David L. Hermelbracht
Assistant Director, IFAS Human Resources
University of Florida
2038 McCarty Hall D P.O. Box 110281
Gainesville FL 32611-0281
(352) 273-3440 Voice/Message
(352) 392-3226 Fax
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Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Please check out this terrific video produced by a group of students at Texas A&M University, who have started an advocacy group called “Farmers Fight.”
“Farmers Fight” is a student-led initiative at Texas A&M to reconnect American society to the world of agriculture. Beginning with university students, “Farmers Fight” encourages consumers to ask where their food comes
from, and give students, faculty, public officials, and farmers and ranchers an opportunity to become "agvocates" for the agriculture community.”
Jack M. Payne, Senior Vice President of Agriculture and Natural Resources
1008 McCarty Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0180
(352-392-1971;*[log in to unmask];
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