

Hey Guys!

Caila Gibbons is planning a backpacking trip on March 31st- April 1st. We are hiking from Max Patch on Saturday 7.5 miles to Walnut Mountain Shelter. On Sunday we will be going 13.1 miles to Hot Springs. Chris Sisneros will be joining us on this trip during his AT hike, so it should be really fun! Email me by tomorrow at noon if you want to go!

For the Clear Creek Canoe trip- you MUST be at the meeting the Wednesday after spring break. There will be no canoe training tonight, but if you are going to Clear Creek, the next canoe session is the Thursday after spring break from 7-9 at the Aquatic Center. You must attend a canoe session!

Randy needs someone to glue kneepads in the canoes still, so if you are interested in helping him email him at [log in to unmask]

We will be having officer elections the week after spring break. If you are interested in becoming an officer you should definitely be at the meeting and all the members should be there to vote!

Hope everyone has a great spring break!

-Madeline Shelly

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