Student@Tennessee, Monday, Mar 12, 2012 Newsletter for UT Knoxville Students ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special --- The "Money Wall," the line of automatic teller machines on the side of the University Center parking garage, will close as early as Wednesday in preparation for the demolition of the parking garage—the first step in the construction of a new Student Union. --- UT's spring break is set for March 19-23. Will you be traveling during this time? Please keep in mind some important information to help you return to campus safely, recharged and ready for the rest of the semester. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good News --- Sam Bacon, a junior in mathematics and film with a background in computer science, has received the Woodie Flowers Award. The award, named after Woodie Flowers, celebrates effective communication in the art and science of engineering and design. William Murphy and Small Parts, Inc. began the award in 1996 to recognize mentors who lead, inspire, and empower using excellent communication skills. A candidate is someone who works with students, both teaching them and inspiring them in their goals. The candidate for the award is picked by the students on each team. Bacon served as mentor to team Robotics Team #1466 at Webb School. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Your Calendar --- Institute of Nuclear Materials Management meeting, 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 12, in Perkins 324. Ana Raffo-Caiado, formerly of the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC), and now of ORNL, will be presenting on the ABACC and current and future systems of international safeguards. This informative presentation will cover global efforts to ensure that nuclear technology is only used for peaceful purposes. All majors are welcome. Food and drinks will be provided. Questions? E-mail [log in to unmask] --- This week is Brazil Week at the International House. Schedule of events: Monday, March 12: Brazilian Movie Night, with a screening of the film "Caramuru: A Invenção do Brasil," in Portuguese with English subtitles, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. Snacks and soft drinks will be provided. Tuesday, March 13: Brazilian Coffee House and cooking demonstration, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Native Brazilian students will teach how to make Brazilian cheese bread, pão de queijo, and a typical Brazilian dessert, brigadeiro. Free and open to the public. Wednesday, March 14: Brazilian Culture Night, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Enjoy an evening of food, fun, and facts about one of the most beautiful places on earth. There will be a live musical performance by the band "Cafe Brasil," demonstrations of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and the samba dance style, and much more. This event is co-sponsored by the Portuguese language program with the help of Brazilian exchange students. Tickets are $! 5, on sale at I-House front desk. Thursday, March 15: Brazilian economics lecture, "Sustainable Economic Growth in Brazil and its Impact on the US Economy," 6:30 p.m. in the I-House Great Room. Speaker: Luiz Lima, UT Economics Department. Free and open to the public. --- The Black Cultural Programming Committee presents "Voices of Freedom: The Triumph of the 1961 Freedom Rides and the Legacy of Racial Segregation," 7:00 p.m. Monday, March 12, in the BCC. This event is open to the public and will feature a partial screening of the award winning PBS-sponsored documentary "Freedom Riders" followed by a conversation with original Freedom Rider and Civil Rights Activist Rip Patton. This event is also sponsored by the Departments of History and Sociology, the Center for the Study of Social Justice, the Commission for Blacks, Amnesty International at UT, the Issues Committee, the Central Programming Council and the Office of Multicultural Student Life. Questions? E-mail Jayanni Webster at [log in to unmask] or Chivonne Hyppolite at [log in to unmask] --- Writers in the Library will feature readings by two local authors with new poetry collections, Edward Francisco (Hunting Keats) and Linda Parsons Marion (Bound), Monday, March 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hodges Library Auditorium. More at --- SPEAK, Students Promoting Environmental Action in Knoxville, meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, March 12 in UC room 226. If you're interested in saving the environment, promoting green policies on campus, or even volunteering at local schools/areas in encouraging environmentally friendly actions, then stop by SPEAK. --- The Center for the Study of War and Society and the History Department presents its annual Charles W. Johnson Lecture, 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the UC Hermitage Room. Speaker: Bing West, former Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Reagan and a prominent author and blogger. Topic: "War and Defense in 2012 and Beyond." West has written widely about foreign policy, counterinsurgency, and national defense. He also served in the Marine infantry during the Vietnam War. There will be a reception at 4:00 p.m., and the lecture will begin at 5:00 p.m. --- Interdisciplinary lecture, "Flannery O'Connor: Race and Responsibility in a Christ-haunted South," 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, at the Carousel Theater. Speakers: Bill Hardwig, UT, and Ralph Wood, Baylor University. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the English Department and the Veritas UT campus ministries coalition. For more info call 974-5401. --- Career Services presents the Education Job Fair on Wednesday, March 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the UC Ballroom. This event connects UT teaching interns to education employers across the southeast. Log in to Hire-A-Vol for a list of employers attending the fair, types of positions available and desired majors. You can also submit your resume to employers in advance through the RSVP feature. Visit to view employers attending the fair. Dress professionally and bring multiple copies of your resume. Visit Career Services' website for resume assistance. --- UTOP, The University of Tennessee Outdoor Program, is offering three Spring Break trips this year: Georgia Sea Kayaking, New Hampshire Mountaineering, and North Carolina Rock Climbing. The trips are beginner friendly, and costs range from $200 to $400. If you are interested in learning about the outdoors, meeting new people, and going to new places, come sign up for one of these extraordinary trips in the Outdoor Center, downstairs in TRECS room 20 Monday through Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions, call 974-9749 or e-mail [log in to unmask] --- Nourish International meeting, Thursday, March 15, at 7:00 p.m. in HSS room 203. The mission of Nourish International is to eradicate poverty by engaging students and empowering communities. --- All are invited to the Latin American Student Organization general body meeting on Thursday, March 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the BCC. There will be information provided regarding immigration and its effects, then a brief debate on it. A Hispanic dish will be served for dinner. Stop by the BCC for information, fun, and food. --- The Black Law Student Association's Pre-Law Division will hold their next general body meeting on Thursday, March 15 at 8:00 p.m. in UC Room 237. The meeting will discuss the law school admissions process. --- A renowned all-female string quartet that seeks to make classical music available to non-traditional audiences and underprivileged children will host a concert Friday, March 16, on campus. The Ohio-based Cavani String Quartet will perform at 7:00 p.m. in the Alumni Memorial Building, Hall 32. The concert, which is free and open to the public, will be held in partnership with the UT School of Music. --- UT Research Week starts Monday, March 26, with an info session on the graduate school application process presented by UT Career Services at 4:00 p.m. in the UC auditorium. The week concludes on Saturday, March 31, with the Honors Symposium from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Baker Center. The highlight of the week is the Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement (EURēCA) on March 28 and 29, with the awards program scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 29 in the UC auditorium. For more info, call 974-1475 or visit --- Program for Excellence & Equity in Research symposium, Thursday, March 29 at the UC. The theme this year is "Networking for Success." Events include a Ph.D. Comics movie screening, a resource and information session, keynote speaker, panel discussions and breakout sessions, and a "Diversity in Research" poster session/mixer. Please visit for times, dates, and descriptions of each event and to register. For any questions or concerns, please contact Quentin Johnson at [log in to unmask] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get Involved --- The College of Business Administration's Office of Diversity Initiatives is creating a new student group, the Diverse Organization of Business Students (DOBS). Membership is open to all business students who identify themselves as diverse through ethnicity, disability, LGBT, Veteran status, religion, culture, age, gender, etc. The purpose of the group is to provide empowerment, networking, awareness, links to professional and academic worlds, and community events to students of all diverse populations and the UT campus. The first meeting will be on Monday, March 12 at 5:00 p.m. in HBB room 202. Questions? E-mail Myranda Bertrand at [log in to unmask] or Tyvi Small at [log in to unmask] --- The Parents Association is looking for student volunteers. As a part of Orange & White Weekend, the Parents Association will be hosting Spring Family Day on Saturday, April 21. This is a great opportunity for students to boost their resume by volunteering for this event. If you are interested, please contact the Parents Association by emailing [log in to unmask] by Friday, March 16. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Deadlines --- There are still two weeks left to nominate a fellow student for a 2012 Environmental Leadership Award. Do you know of a UT student who goes the extra mile to promote environmental leadership on campus? Nominate that person today! The deadline for nominations is March 23, 2012. Visit to access the nomination entry form. --- Spring may still be several weeks away, but on campus, it's already time to think about summer school. This year, for the first time, students can use the HOPE Scholarship, funded by the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program, to help them pay for summer school. Students planning to attend summer school must already have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form for the current academic year. Also, by April 1, they should complete a UT Summer Aid Request Form, which is available online at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make Orange Green --- RecycleMania continues this week with Recyclympics! Come and compete this Thursday, March 15, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Humanities Plaza outdoor amphitheater. Sign up to compete at, or just show up on the day. Events will include the Phone Book Shot Put, Compact Disc-us Throw, and Bottle Cap-in-a-Haystack (of shredded paper). Prizes will be awarded to individuals and teams placing first, second, and third. Gladiator apparel is encouraged, but there are no specific dress code requirements. Please, no real swords, though. Participation is free. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Week in SGA --- SGA's Diversity Affairs group hosts Diversity Week 2012, "Working Towards a Bigger Picture," March 12-15. Monday, March 12: Archie Bunker's Neighborhood (co-sponsored by UT Housing Department) at 7:30 p.m. in the Reese Hall West Multipurpose Room. Come join us for this interactive look at social inequities. Take a role in our fictional neighborhood, and learn about oppression through a different lens. Tuesday, March 13: What's Your Status, 5:00 p.m. in UC room 221. Come view a movie about socioeconomic status in America. Wednesday, March 14: Game of Life: "Walking in my Shoes" at 6:00 p.m. in HSS room 71. This event will be an interactive game where participants get the opportunity to walk in another person's shoes. Thursday, March 15: Religious Diversity (co-sponsored by the Muslim Student Association) at 5:30 p.m. in the UC Ballroom. Come to this event to learn about religious diversity on campus. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send comments, suggestions, and items to appear in this newsletter to [log in to unmask] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Campus events may be submitted to the online Arts & Events calendar at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to this newsletter at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more links to news and events for the Knoxville campus, go to the student@tennessee Web site at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To view the Student@Tennessee archives or Join/Leave the list: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To view the STUDENT@TENNESSEE archives or Join/Leave the list: