

------------------------------------------ Second Announcement: REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN ----------------------------------------------------

"Geometry and Physics 2012" (GAP 2012)

Date: May 5-7, 2012

Location: The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the University of Waterloo; in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Each year, the GAP conference combines three separate but related themes in geometry and physics. This approach results in
a very interesting mixture of talks. GAP 2012 is now the fourth installment in what has become an annual tradition. The history
of GAP and more information about this year's conference can be found here:

***This year's themes are: special holonomy; generalized geometry; and integrable systems.***

Organizers:	Marco Gualtieri (Toronto), Spiro Karigiannis (Waterloo), Ruxandra Moraru (Waterloo),
			Rob Myers (Perimeter), Pedro Vieira (Perimeter), and McKenzie Wang (McMaster).


Principal speakers:

	• David Baraglia (Australia National University)
	• Robert Bryant (UC Berkeley and MSRI)
	• Gil Cavalcanti* (Universiteit Utrecht)
	• Mark Haskins (Imperial College London)
	• Jacques Hurtubise (McGill University)
	• Boris Khesin (University of Toronto)
	• Dmitry Korotkin (Concordia University)
	• Martin Kruczenski (Purdue University)
	• Naichung Conan Leung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
	• Gang Tian (Princeton and Beijing)
	• Chuu-Lian Terng (UC Irvine)
	• Barton Zwiebach (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

* to be confirmed.

Short talks by local-area postdocs:

	• Michael Bailey (UQÀM)
	• Ronan Conlon (McMaster)
	• Razvan Gurau (Perimeter)
	• Steve Rayan (Toronto)
	• Amit Sever (Perimeter)
	• Aaron Smith (Waterloo)


*** Please forward this message to any potential participants. ***

We look forward to seeing you in Waterloo.
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