Hello Everyone.


This is a final notice: The deadline to get signed up for the Luncheon with Dr. Dipietro and Dr. Johnson,  on Thursday, February 16, 2012 is Monday, February 13. If you know you are going to attend and know that your check will not arrive on Monday, please give me a call  at 974-6533.


We are hoping that you will come and enjoy the food and the association, as well as a wonderful presentation by UT’s President. Remember the cost is $15 for the luncheon. You may also purchase an additional ½ chicken to go for $4.00 more. The costs of lunch supports the local 4-H organization.


Please feel free to call if you have any questions.


Chuck Bryant, cps

Benefits Specialist

UT Conference Center

600 Henley Street, Suite 115

Knoxville, TN 37996

Phone (865) 974-6533  (865) 974-3559 Fax


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