Hello Everyone,


SIGN UP SOON and send your $15 before it's too late for our UTRA Winter luncheon. 

"Dr. Joe DiPietro Speaks and Dr. Joe Johnson Introduces Him at UTRA Luncheon on Feb. 16 at Hollingsworth Auditorium"
Come experience an historic event with two UT presidents at our UTRA luncheon! Dr. Joe Johnson introduces Dr. Joe DiPietro as our speaker on February 16. Dr. DiPietro will share some insights into the many challenges of leading the UT System that he has experienced during his first year. This Winter Luncheon will be held at the Hollingsworth Auditorium on the UT campus! We start at 11:30 a.m. Don’t miss this program.
  Knox County 4-H students will prepare a delicious meal of BBQ chicken with rice, tossed salad, fruit, bread, mixed desserts, and drinks. The cost is $15.00 per person for this 4-H fund-raising event to help support Knox County 4-H programs. Pre-cooked half chicken will be available for take-home for $4.00, but you must order and pay in advance when you send your checks. The deadline for sending your $15/person is Feb 13th. Send your check, made payable to UT Retirees’ Association, to Chuck Bryant, 115 Conference Center Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-4115. 


Chuck Bryant, cps

Benefits Specialist

UT Conference Center

600 Henley Street, Suite 115

Knoxville, TN 37996

Phone (865) 974-6533  (865) 974-3559 Fax


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