

Members and friends of STC-ETC,


Save Saturday, October 27, 2012, for the Practical Conference on
Communication (PCOC), Knoxville, 8:30am to 5:30pm.


The theme is "It's a Wild, Wild WIKI* World." The goal is to develop a
knowledge base of (a) what other technical communicators do, (b) how they
attained their position, and (c) what development they project for
professional advancement. 


We will feature speakers, group discussion, and workshops. Every participant
will have the opportunity to share his or her experience (WIKI*) and to
expand personal and professional networks. Ideally, we will record this
knowledge base and build from it.


Why this direction? Things change; positions and responsibilities shift,
evolve, appear, and disappear. We need to know "what is out there"
regionally-as well as nationally and internationally, which we learn at the
Summit, the yearly international STC conference. Learning locally from a
colleague with whom you can converse in a small-group environment encourages
questions and connections. 


If you would like to speak to the three points above or organize a workshop,
please contact me. Program development is underway.


If you have not been to PCOC recently, come back home and share. We have
missed you.




Mary Ryba Knepper, 2012 PCOC Manager, STC-ETC

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708.738.8178 cell



From Wikipedia: Wiki wiki-a
<> Hawaiian expression meaning
"fast" or "quick," adopted by Ward Cunningham, developer of the first wiki
software, WikiWikiWeb; also a backronym, meaning "what I know is." PCOC is
wiki wiki in both senses: one day for fast learning; and sharing what we
know, culminating in a WILI-"what I learned is."