

Please join us for a brand new series of speakers on issues related to energy and 
the environment.  We are no longer able to provide lunch for attendees, but we 
will make sure that the speaker is top-rate.  And to prove that, we are kicking off 
2012 with David Greene. 

David is a Corporate Fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he has 
researched transportation energy policy issues for the U.S. government for more 
than 30 years. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for 
Public Policy and a Research Professor of Economics at the University of 
Tennessee.  His topic is:  

"Energy Security and Oil Dependence:
Why seven presidents couldn’t solve this problem and how we can solve it." 

Please share the attached flyer with your colleagues, bring your friends, and....

Don't forget your lunch!