Canoe and Hiking Club,

My name is Tim Drone. I am an AmeriCorps member working for Knox County Solid Waste. I am a UT graduate and a former Canoe and Hiking Club member. Knox County is sponsoring an electronic waste event coming up in February. It is a free recycling event that allows residents of Knox County to dispose of and recycling any old electronics that are laying around at home. It is important to keep electronics out of landfills because they almost always contain hazardous heavy metals like lead and mercury and can easily find its way into our water source.

I am asking the Canoe and Hiking Club to come as volunteers to help us during our two events. They are held...

February 4th                        February 11th
Farragut High School            Chilhowee Park
8:30am-4pm                        8:30am-4pm

Basically all we need volunteers for is when someone drives up with their electronics in their car whether it be a microwave, TV, or coffee maker, our volunteers will be there to unload and sort whatever they may have. It's pretty simple. In the past we've had between 100-200 tons so we need as many volunteers to help handle all of it as we can. Our webpage is listed below with more info.

If you are interested and want to come help out please email me or call. We're just asking everyone to dress warm in case it's a little cold. We are providing breakfast and lunch so you won't go hungry. Thanks!

Tim Drone
Assistant Recycling Coordinator
205 W. Baxter Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 215-5644
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