

Dr. Heiko Haubitz joins USF SI faculty
January 24, 2012
TAMPA – The School of Information (SI) at the University of South Florida is pleased to welcome Dr. Heiko Haubitz as an instructor beginning spring of 2012.
Dr. Haubitz is a researcher on information architecture, information behavior, and usability testing, specifically human-computer interaction and user experience design. He also researches and teaches social media, focusing on Web 2.0, digital libraries, and e-publishing.
At the School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin, where Dr. Haubitz earned his Ph.D. in Information Studies in December 2005, he examined the use of public Web portals by undergraduate students. He also participated in research exploring systems development and usability testing for the Web. Subsequently, he continued his work as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University College Dublin, Ireland (2006) and continued on as a Lecturer in the School of Information and Library Studies there until January 2008. Most recently, he has acted as a consultant to industry clients and as an Internet trainer in Germany.

Dr. Haubitz also earned a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science as Fulbright Scholar from Wayne State University (1994) and a diploma in Library Science from Humboldt University at Berlin (1990).

Lana Brand

Communication and Information Officer

School of Information

University of South Florida | 4202 E. Fowler Ave., CIS 2011| Tampa, FL  33620

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