

First off we would like to thank all of the coaches, players, referees and parents that continue to help our tournament grow and get better each year. We hope to have the final results posted to our website ( by the end of the week, but wanted to share a few numbers with you in the mean time since many of you asked about them at the tournament today.


Players at today’s tournament represented 37 different clubs from 9 different states. We had over 150 competitors. Taking into account those that played in multiple brackets, we fell just shy of 200 entries. We had 25 referees at the tournament which allowed us to smoothly run three mats for the entire competition. We got started just before 1:00pm, ran through a total of 45 divisions, and were done by 6:00pm.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the tournament or any of the processes at the tournament, feel free to send feedback. We’re always interested in ways we can improve.


Once again, we would like to thank everyone for their help in making this  year’s tournament another success. We hope to see you back here again next fall.



               The Martial Arts Club at UT