Hola amigos

This is the list for the trip.  It's full.  No wait list cause I'm a jackass...unless you talk to Molly

Maximilianus Aurelius Schnukum
BJ Bradford
Chris Sissnsosrosoeros
Caila Gibbons
Chase Smith
Nicolas Solanos
Aaron Guernsey
Dickerson Twins (Monica Cassandra)
K Flow Wood
Susan Shin
Nick Moneyshot
Shannon Mullane
Thaddeus Boone
Jonathan Bills
Elizabeth Aylor
Seif Atyia
Kathi Tuers

There's a shelter that can fit about 10 people.  The rest will have to bring tents.  We'll make sure to have atleast 5 tents on us.  Its going to be ff**^cking cold so please bring warm stuff.  I apologize for not sending the trip list out yesterday, I misspelled the addresss.

you have questions send them to me or call me.

Binh Hoang
University of Tennessee 2012
Delta Tau Delta
(865) 438-8470
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